
Friday, April 15, 2011

White Pansies, 6x6 Inches, Oil

Today was the first day of a new session of painting classes in my studio.  We worked on edges, and the importance of having different types in the painting.  Everyone got to take home their pansies!  The painting above was the demo, and the flower in the front was in the light, and was my focal point - the edges are crispest there.

 The unexpected fun thing was the foliage - we used big shapes, then calligraphy with the points on the back of the brushes, which you can see if you make it larger - I should have made a close up, I'm sorry!
We missed two of our pals in the class - but everyone's busy this time of year, and we'll be painting together soon.  

We're busy planning a 'painting Safari' this summer, every week plein air at a different location, and a different lesson, perhaps at late afternoon to maybe get sunsets in!  I'm psyched!


  1. Nice work! I can feel the light on those pansies!

  2. This is so well done-I love how graceful the stem is on the pansy on the right. Nice background, too.

  3. These pansies are beautiful! Very fresh and love all the edges. I wish I was up there and able to be in your classes! They are lucky students:) Painting safaris- oh my! Sounds amazing and your sunsets rock so again, they are super lucky!!

  4. Kelley, I love this one! Beautiful lights and darks. I want to come with you all on the painting safari! Sounds like fun!

  5. I love pansies and they are the first flowers that can tolerate our cold spring. These are the color and background.

  6. These pansies are so breathtaking beautiful. Love the lights and darks.

  7. Gorgeous colors!!! Also loved your peeps:)

  8. Absolutely fantastic fresh and Springy!...the peeps are fab too!

  9. The values in this are a lesson in itself! Love the flower in shadow turned away from the viewer, contrasted with the one in front in the light. I like the contrast of lights and darks in the leaves, too.


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