
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Field Of Sheep, 8x24, Oil


My son has asked for a sheep painting, so I'm playing around with designs.  This is one workup, but I don't think it'll make the final cut.  I do like the two fluffy sheep in the front, facing us.  I just think it might have too few sheep, or maybe I'll do it in more sepia colors, or find a photo with more clusters of the sheep.  It's a difficult format - 3 times as wide as high...  I actually like it better if you put your finger in the middle and make it two paintings!

Yesterday my daughter ran the Boston Marathon again - so proud of her!  When we saw her, at a little past the halfway point, she was smiling while running - the complete opposite of what I would be doing (crying) at that point.


  1. These are beautiful!
    Very serene feeling.
    Congrats to the smiling Molly!
    I would be---dead at that point.

  2. I love how you are sharing the process of how you come about the final composition.Congrats on Mollys success...I would be crying too!oh, and limping!

  3. I love that your son wanted a sheep painting. This one is really nice. Love sheep but have never had the opportunity to photograph any. Kudos to your daughter!

  4. I love this one. Great composition with varied sheeps all over but just right. Wonderful fluffy coats on them. I saw a painting once framed with a moulding strip in the center if you still like that diptich (sp?) effect. Your son is a lucky guy:)
    Congrats to Molly. That is so cool and I just knew y'all would be there to support- upside down sign included! Love it:)

  5. These sheep look like good sheep to me. Reminds me of Scotland. Congrats to Molly.IT is an amazing success. My daughter does 1/2 marathons. My future son-in-law who is a regular marathon runner came in 222 and was walking well after the race.
    Keep sheep in the work. MAy add some to my painting right now.

  6. Loving your sheep Kelley. I understand what you mean about putting your finger in the middle and making 2 paintings. It's still really cool. I personally love paintings done in an uncommon size - particularly elongated. Your son will love it. Congrats to your daughter. I so wish I loved to run. You must a very proud mama.

  7. Well, congratulations to your daughter. They had a good day for it, that's for sure. I love your sheep, Kelley. I think what might be throwing you off is you have an even number (8), maybe adding one more sheep somewhere in the middle would change it up just enough for you. Maybe even change one of them to a black sheep. Hope you don't mind the suggestions. Enjoy your day!

  8. Can't wait to see what others create. The only reason that you think this looks like 2 paintings is because of the sheepless area in the middle. But, sheep move around and that area tells us that. And, the grass wasn't that good right there!

  9. Love the sheep!!!! Can't wait to see more!

  10. You and Liz both made such panoramic pastoral scenes, Kelley, hers with cattle. I wish I could buy both! Love these fat sheep!

  11. Your daughter is amazing--love the sheep painting--could you tuck a tiny red building in somewhere--might help with the spacing.

  12. I like the story about your son and daughter .. congratulations

  13. I love these sheep! I seldom ever find any to paint around here. Beautiful pastoral scene!

  14. I LOVE the sheep painting! Very nice.

    I have been meaning to ask you - Got any suggestions for a favorite plein air easel? I plan to get out in those fields some myself soon! My french easel is awkward out there.

  15. Thanks everyone for your comments, suggestions and help!

    Susanne - I couldn't find your email address - but I have the Easyl - and I hope to purchase this year the Plein Air Easel from James Coulter's easel.

  16. great format for these roaming sheep, and I like your story :) very nice.

  17. i am in love with this painting. it's just amazing kelley! congrats to your daughter!

  18. Interesting format. I didn't realize we live so close.

  19. I haven't painted in a long format in so long but I'm always so drawn to them. This is no exception - I love your field of sheep!

  20. Hi---O my! I love this painting. Beautiful shadows and composition.

  21. I really like this. Great brushwork. Pastoral actually.
    Now you can put the sign back on the stairs :D
    Molly is amazing.

  22. HA Mary - for those of you who don't know... we keep Molly's 18x36 "Go Molly Go!" sign across the stairs or Paco will raid the bathroom and eat the shampoo and anything else he can get his teeth on. He's consigned to the 1st floor!

    Funny Mary!


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