
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yummy Jellies, 6x6 Inches, Oil

Are these the same two jelly donuts as yesterday?  I ask you ... do they LOOK alike?  I'm kind of a purist that I think each pastry has it's individual qualities.  Even from the same bake shop, some days they're chock full of jelly, others, not.  Some days they are paler, some days darker.  I've even seen them not in a 'rounded' shape, but more octagonal.  Tons of sugar, less sugar, and so on.  
So....  as I fling this one over to the Pacific Coast AT Susan Roden (no, she was not the purchaser!:)), let's see what she fires back at me.. She's killing me with those donuts with the jelly on TOP!

A rest from the sweets next post - not edible!


  1. This is so good! And those donuts look pretty tasty too! Wonderful painting!

  2. Kelley, This is wonderful. Might be the best ooziest jelly yet! Love the heavy sugar on these:) So I learned this morning that doughnuts are like snowflakes- no two are the same. Thanks for the happy!

  3. Yum! Great painting. Headed out for doughnuts now.

  4. Wow, so yummy looking. Hard to believe it is oil paint and not something I can put my finger in and grab a glob of jelly.

  5. So juicy! A real dynamo in the donut wars. Love your close up on these guys and cut the bit of tall cup in the background. Great composition and lovely contrast.

  6. Oh yes, I can taste those little bad boys from here, look at that succulent pastry just dripping with deliciousness! Kelley this one is fabulous, really!

  7. I notice these have a bite out of them, hmmm was that Paco?

    Really great light in this painting.

  8. Nobody, paints a jelly donut like you do. That sugar sparkles and the jelly is luminous! Oh yumm!!

  9. oh, yum! These are beautiful and look delicious! I have to go see if I have anything in the refrigerator. You're making me hungry!

  10. Oh man, you have satisfied my sweet tooth for the day! I liked your painting so much that I chose it as my favorite daily painting on my blog, I hope you'll come by and check it out! Thanks, Rosa

  11. it unanimous!! you ARE THE jelly donut master. these are too amazing, no wonder they sold so quickly. PERFECT!!!

  12. Oh my goodness this is GREAT! That jelly is making me drool. Love the way you paint the dusting of sugar too. Absolutely DElicious!!!

  13. These paintings are absolutely beautiful. I feel like painting but now I'm craving donuts.

  14. Kelley, you did it again! Just beautiful! You shine as the jelly donot queen!

  15. Kelley, I'm trying to lose weight and you're not helping! Beautiful, yummy painting!

  16. Yummy Jellies is spectacular. Oh my! Makes me want to drive to a do-nut shop right now.


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