
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quelle Surprise! 6x6 Inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

It's a long story, but, in short, I had a merchandise credit at Tiffany's - and I wanted to use it!  So my husband came with me to the mall, and guess what - I couldn't find the credit they'd issued.  Got a pair of ear rings anyway, thank you, Tim!  And he named the painting because it would sound like "Kell - Surprise!"  Yeah, I get goofy sometimes at the studio!

Anyway I'm here happily painting away with Leslie, Dreama and a couple dozen other wonderful artists!  Here's today's painting of a door in France:


  1. Love your paintings:) Hope you're having a fabulous time. Steven keeps talking about the Kelley from McDonalds that bought him an orange soda:)

  2. Nice Tiffany bag! I just got a Tiffany necklace for my daughter for her birthday, and it came in a tiffany blue box. It would look great next to your bag!

  3. Love the Tiffany bag AND the French portal! Both lovely. so nice to see a painter actively painting. Miss it.

  4. Hope that you are having fun painting with artist friends... beautiful French porte with the colors of Provence. I got a small box from Tiffany yesterday but nothing romantic... It was a million-miler gift from an airline, sterling silver and in that perfect blue box with a white ribbon. Congrats!


  5. Kelly, finally figured out how to leave a comment on your blog. This painting is fabulous and so are you. It was such a pleasure to meet you and be in your company the past four days. Don't forget my invitation for a week-end in Beaufort in October.


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