
Saturday, February 12, 2011

*A* For Atlanta Doughnut! 6x6 Oil

One of my most special memories of this FANtastic workshop I just took with Leslie Saeta and Dreama Tolle Perry (we're BFF's now, I think I can just call them 'Leslie and Dreama' - and not necessarily in that order!) was when Leslie's sister-in-law and good friend Aileen brought me an "A" donut from Sublime Doughnuts!  Yes, the 'A' is for Atlanta, and let me tell you... they KNOW how to make a donut here!  The donuts have a bit of weight - but not too much, and the outside of the pastry has an ultra thin crispness, with moist deliciousness inside.  My newly found Soul Sister Kathy Cousart - yes you know who she is - and I brought a dozen to the class to eat.  At first everyone was all so "Oh...I don't eat doughnuts.. ", but all I can say is after we cut them into pieces the box was emptied in short order.

ANYway Aileen saw my blog (and Paco's, thank you very much) and drove to Sublime Donuts and brought this in for me.  So I painted it - with help from Kathy - quick before class started today and asked Leslie to give it to her.  She - and this is unbelievable - opened her home and her arms to 24 perfect (in every way) strangers for TWO nights and we feasted on gourmet and comfort food, we laughed, drank, cried - there's a story there... later - and put up with us all!  She and her husband and son (and dog and 2 cats) deserve much more than a little painting in thanks, but this is what I've got... thank you Aileen, and I hope to God I'm spelling your name correctly!

More info than you really need to know, and I'm SURE I'll hear about this from MSW,  and though I originally published this without this last paragraph (how'd I do that?) I am forever indebted to new good girlfriend Karen Rose, who took good care of me when I realized I cannot locate my CAMERA, with this image on it - she sooooo kindly cropped and sent it to me - is she a doll or WHAT?


  1. What a great story...donuts, painting, friends and all! I am going to meet your "soul sister," Kathy soon and I can hardly wait! So glad you had a great workshop with the Dream'a Team! Thanks for sharing this story!! ;-)

  2. A is for Awesome!!! Glad you got your A doughnut and that you had a great time:) Hope you find your camera.

  3. Fantastic "A" !! Sounds like a great group and a lot of fun!!

  4. Outstanding painting and so love hearing about your fun painting weekend; you just confirmed what we/I already know: artists are great people!!!

  5. Oh Kelley! You made my day! I never imagined I would be so lucky to receive the "A" donut painting just because I made a little pit stop at the local donut store! It truly was our pleasure to have you all at our house. Although I didn't participate in the workshop I feel so inspired and honored to have met all of you talented women (and man!). Leslie and Dreama have already been invited back for another workshop which will include more dinners at our house and I promise to become one of the painters. You inspire me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

  6. Love the chocolate glaze on the top and that on big reflection right down it, looks too good - you could make a doughnut eater out of me yet. Glad you trip was so great!

  7. Sounds like a fantastic time and a great trip! And this painting looks just like the photo!

  8. Nice painting! What is the white "dot"on the donut? Glad you ahd a great workshop. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. Thanks, guys!!! It was so fun! Nancy the white 'dot' is a white 'dot' of icing - I guess instead of a hole to make the 'A'!

  10. Sounds like fun was had by all. The A doughnut looks and sounds so delish!

  11. This was just too much fun at 7:30 in the morning and I loved being a part of it. I think we all know who truly painted that (KCM) and it is a sweet treasure and wonderful memory for all involved!

  12. Wonderful painting, wonderful story...glad you all had such a great time!

  13. Oh Kelley you are so kind, I was glad to help just wish we could have found that camera sooner. Ok next workshop just let me carry it for know I have a thing about electronics :). Gosh that donut looks great.

  14. Heard all about the donut painting from Kathy! Sounds like yall had a wonderful time and I love the painting!

  15. So you had fun then? LOL Glad to hear it was so fantastic. Great doughnut too : )It sounds like a terrific weekend full of art, food and bonding : )

  16. Scrumptous donut, Kelley. Glad you have a good time & found all your "lost" stuff.

  17. I love the painting, the story,but especially the wonderfully warm community of fellow artists!!


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