
Monday, February 7, 2011

Jelly Girl's Jellies, 8x8 Inches, OIl

This is a commission that will be a gift for a woman who loves, loves, loves jelly donuts.  I've been having a lot of interest lately in the donuts.. so it looks like the DONUT WAR will resume!  My friend and colleague Susan Roden is ready to meet this challenge.  I'm hurling this one her way, and looking to see the response!
I'm also getting ready to fly to Atlanta for a workshop by Leslie Saeta and Dreama Tolle Perry.  It looks like I'll get to meet some people I've only spoken to via the blogs and Facebook, too, so I am really psyched!  Workshops are a way to explore new things, hone your skills and meet other people who do and love what you do and love.  Leslie and Dreama are also Queens of Marketing their art via their blogs and beyond.  I'm honored to meet these dynamos and will blog my way through it...  Leaving Wednesday!  So... I guess I'd better pack, huh?
AFTER the Superbowl! :)


  1. I could lick the sugar off this one! It's fantastic.

  2. Great job on the shadows. They look so good I want to eat them :)

  3. Kelley,
    Love this one. Man, you are so good at these doughnuts.
    Looking forward to the workshop, going to be awesome. In the interest of southern hospitality, I found a doughnut shop close to the workshop for you in Atlanta. Don't tell Susan but they have one in the shape of an A! They also have a video of the man making them:) Very amusing!

  4. If they are the Queens of marketing, YOU are the Queen of Donuts and Dunkin Donut cups! This one really fascinates me.

  5. Easy to love this painting, makes Dunkin's look so so appealing.

  6. You are very good at painting those jelly doughnuts, Kelley! I don't know about doughnuts, but I sure do miss Dunkin Donuts coffee . . . can't get it where I live. Have fun in Atlanta; I was supposed to attend also, but had to cancel.

  7. I do love these donuts Kelly- you have the sparkly sugar perfect!
    Have a great workshop!

  8. I'm always amazed at your donut paintings! They are the best!

  9. It's a good thing I just finished my bowl of granola or I would hop in my car and head for Dunkin' Donuts! These look sooo good!

    Have a great time at the workshop!!

  10. A double-decker! Man, the way to whallop back Kelley.

    And what's this, Kathy is getting into the sleuth biz of finding you donut shops? How will I ever keep up?

    Donuts are a must-have for snacks at the workshop. I'm sure all will expect no less.
    Go to it Contessa!

  11. unbelievable... so good and so real ! I can almost taste them !

  12. Awesome jellies and love the coffee cup. I'd say you sent Susan on heck of a challenge. Great job, Kelley.

  13. Gorgeous jellies! Looking forward to meeting you in the ATL. ;-)

  14. Awesome work, Kelly! The sugar looks like it's going to flake right off. Sure makes me hungry for a donut!

  15. Yum! These donuts are amazing...have a great trip!

  16. Oh YEAH!!
    No one does these like you do!
    Soak up all the nuggets of wisdom at the workshop and have a great time.
    Umm... I think it's snowing in Atlanta?


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