
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Orange You Sweet! 6x6 Inch Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


These adorable oranges are pear shaped, and they came with beautiful leafs and stems.  I have no idea what they taste like, because I saved the ones I got for painting.  I'm going to post my progress with my commissions on my Studio Blog.  That's been taking a lot of my time.  In our house we celebrate Christmas, but you'd be hard pressed to tell it was approaching by looking at my house, inside or out.  I have a lot of decorations, and they are firmly ensconced in the attic.  My tree is still at the tree farm.  I have a wreath IN MIND to decorate, but it's not on the door.  I did take a day off to go to the dog show, but I've just been painting like a mad woman.
My middle name is 'over-committer'... but hopefully it will all come together.


  1. Good luck Kelley!! I'll send some painting elves your way:) I do hope to have your problem some day! I love your pear shaped orange. That orange dares to be different and can pull it off. The leaf is beautiful also. Love it!!! I'm still obsessed with your signature, so cool!!!!

  2. Fascinating and beautifully painted orange! You'll have to let us know how it tastes.

    I'm glad to hear that someone else's house looks exactly like mine (with decorations in the attic) as Christmas approaches.


  3. i think painting like a mad woman is better than anything!
    Love this pear.

  4. Kelley, beautiful shape of this orange and leaves.

  5. Cute title! And what a beautiful orange! No wonder you painted it instead of eating it. Great job on that curled leaf!

    Good luck on all the work you have committed yourself to. Hope you have a little time for yourself!

  6. What an unusual shaped orange....and it does look like a pear. Do they have a name?
    Good luck with all your paintings.

  7. It's SCARY fruit but you did a beautiful job! Really love the color and the leaves are wonderful.

  8. Yes, it will all come together, it always does. And, why does your house sound exactly like my house (and for that matter many of my friends houses)? Do we do less after the kids move on? Are we doing too much else (than decorating)? Make sure you don't get too over anxious.

  9. Kelley,
    This is the most beautiful orange and the leaves are amazing! So well done! Enjoy:)

  10. Kelley, I love this painting! Beautiful leaf!
    Not to fear, you are invincible, and WILL get all this stuff done!

  11. Beautiful. I love this. So apparently simple and so effective.

  12. Whoa, Kelley. Awesome orange. "Over-committer" maybe your middle name but you pull it off very well. Good luck with the decorating. Just received my 3" ft. Christmas tree, lighted, decorated & drinking a glass of wine in under 30 mins. Happy Day!

  13. Kelley... fabulous piece.I thought I was the only one that has no hint of Christmas approaching in our house. Maybe tomorrow I will get the boxes out.

  14. Loverly... brilliant, that blue stripe.

    Where do you get oranges with leaves still attached? I'm so jealous!

  15. I get them at Lee's Market in Westport - not a big chain, tried to have quality meats, produce, prepared food - pricier than the big stores, but it's one even my husband enjoys shopping in!


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