
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


$100 & $10 S&H

These two little lovebirds were are special to me because they were a gift from a good friend.  I got an idea from a wonderful painter, Dreama Tolle Perry, to write a message underneath the painting - kind of a wish, for whoever ends up with the painting.  Something good.  Here's my wish, underneath this painting:
Underneath this painting is my wish for you of Joy.
And the blue in the foreground is my *favorite* Horizon Blue.

I went to the Dog Show this past weekend, so you can be sure there are some adorable pup paintings coming!
And... for years I thought I had a link to Suzanne Berry on my blog list.  She's amazing... and she and I both got Pugs around the same time, AND we're both married to guys named Tim.  We are also alike in that we are neat-freaks and completely organized (not!).  Check her out.


  1. Kelley,
    These are adorable love birds. You painted them so well- very glazey and love the sheen on them. Their little beaks are so fragile looking! Horizon Blue is a favorite also, looks great here.
    Wonderful idea to write a special message under the painting. Good Karma for sure:)

  2. WOW! Slam Dunk!
    The glass just rocks and I love the hidden message.

    I had to read the neat freak thing TWICE! LOL

  3. you really nailed the surface of these is a stunning image

  4. What a precious subject and a stunning painting!!! Hope you'll consider including in FB Austin Art Buddies Dec. art challenge of "Gifts of the Heart." So sweet.

  5. Wow! The shine and glow of these birds is great!

  6. What a sheen Kelley! Just want to stroke the little birdies.
    And your sentiment is a perfect touch.

  7. Fantastic glazey look on the love birds! Very nice!

  8. Love the way you've captured the hardness and gloss of the ceramic with such loose strokes. That could not have been easy! Love your snow people in the 2 posts below too!

  9. You certainly rendered the ceramic feel in these delightful love birds. Love the dark background too.

  10. dude!!! how intensely kind of you!!! thank you so very much for your kind words and for pointing folks to my blog! i just logged on to see this incredible painting...what a wonderful idea to write something beautiful. anyway i was so very delighted to see your very kind feature. thank you! we do have a lot in common don't we!

    you painting is stunning. the highlights are beautifully done. thanks again. sleep tite!

  11. Absolutely lovely!! What a shine. And I like the "secret message" : )

  12. Love these birds...the feel of the ceramic is amazing...nicely composed.

  13. This is JUST SO SOLID! I love it and feel like I could reach right out to these two...

  14. p.s.-I'm married to a Tim as well, hmmm must be something about painters who like these Tim guys...

  15. Kelley This is wonderful. ANd brave! Me and whites don't mix!
    It's funny, but I was JUST telling matt about that artist and her message. I was also hinting strongly that I desperately want one of her 6 x 6 paintings for Christmas. Don't think it's in the budget, or that he got the hint. I think it's awesome to write a little message under your paintings. And Joy seems appropriate!


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