
Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's For You, 6x8 Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

This little guy is hanging, for sale, at the Providence Art Club.  Don't tell my husband, it's one of his favorites!  If he goes to a new home, all my holiday themed paintings will have sold, and I'll have to start a new group!
I just LOVED painting this... because despite it's simplicity and childish charm, it was a real study in darks and light, highlights, drawing and composition.  Go figure.
Anyway, he's from last December, but is in the Art Club's Holiday show.  Enjoy your day!


  1. Oh, I LOVE wind up toys! I have often thought of doing a series of them. I seem to buy them whenever I see them somewhere. I really like the ones that swim in the bathtub! Anyway, love your painting and the holiday theme is so perfect! Hopefully it will go home with someone soon!

  2. Love him Kelley...he is sure to sell!

  3. Hi Kelley I saw your work at the Art Club, it looks really nice. Nice colors, compositions and paint applications. I especially like the pink flowers and the glow behind them. Do you also work large? I'd love to see something like that really large!

  4. Oh he is cute...and I agree with all you said about painting him. Child like subjects can be real serious studies. I love him...he makes me laugh.

  5. I TOTALLY love that! :) It's the cutest dang snowman wind up toy thing I've ever seen.

  6. This little snowman is just too cute. Love that you captured that he is a wind up toy and that his feet are in motion...Very vintage and nostalgic- Hope it sells quick and you have to paint your husband a double, 12 X 16 just to make it up to him!

  7. Kelley, this is ADORABLE! Great job on the shadows and highlights. I just love how his little foot is suspended in mid-air, just waiting until someone winds him up so he can march on! Love the hat, too ... this one really makes me smile!

  8. Charming!Sure to please..and evoke memories.

  9. Kelley, this is great.
    There must be something about doing of my favorite paintings was representing little wooden carved figurines.

  10. Makes me smile Kelley! I want to wind him up and see him move too. Lovely ....

  11. He's a cutie pie. You are having too much fun!! Love it!

  12. I love him, he is adorable. Pretty cool all your holiday paintings have sold.

  13. hi
    this little guy is great. hope he sells, that would be great to sell them all!

  14. love this, love this, love this!! sooo cute, he IS a gift!


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