
Friday, December 17, 2010

Mister Snowman, 6x6 Inch Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

This little guy has my heart.  He's made of frosted *glass* (read: plastic), and I like him so much I keep him in my studio year round. The background is Caribbean Blue... like tonight's sky...  Underneath this painting is the message/wish below:
Peace of mind.  Peace in your heart.  Peace in your life, your relationships and on your path.
Now... off to paint!


  1. Oh Kelly, he's so smitten. I think he's been struck by cupid and is pining for your heart. Just look at his face? He's so warm inside he just might melt. Quick put him outside for a few minutes!

  2. Mr.Snowman is very dapper- the scarf is amazingly painted. Is it bad that it makes me think of the filling in your jelly doughnuts?

  3. You captured so much personality in this one, hard to believe he is just plastic. Love Mr. Snowman, I bet it will be hard for you to part with this painting. Do you have any snow?

  4. He's so cute! You'd never know he wasn't a real snowman. I'd probably keep him out all year too. :)

  5. How cute is he! Love the blues.

  6. peace out Kelley!
    You know- these would be great cards. Sweet!

  7. Mister Snowman - Mister Personality! Soooo cute!

  8. So adorable!!! Very sweet little guy. And love your under painting message!! Fab idea and so special for the owner. Merry Christmas!! xoxo

  9. I love him Kelley!! I have a couple of snowmen like that! He looks very frosty. He's wonderful!!!

  10. He's adorable! Love the little sparkle in his eyes!

  11. Kelley, I love the little snowman. I can see why you display him year round! I also love your message, Peace, how wonderful is that!!!

  12. He's cute - I can see why he sticks around all year! That blue is stunning. I really love the soft blend of the snowman against the background.

  13. He is soooo sweet! I want to pinch his little cheeks.


  14. Fun..You are one skilled painter Kelley..Merry X-mas Girl

  15. Your happy little snowman is darling, I'm not surprised you want to keep him around!

  16. Merry Christmas, Kelly! I had to drop by and see what fun paintings you have posted for always you don't disappoint!
    All the best to your and yours for 2011!

  17. what personality in all these. wonderful life and brushwork in the characters.


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