
Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Greens Plus

I began this painting the day I did a demo for an art association, and did the same subject for them.  It's so different when I can control the light, have unlimited time, and there are no questions to answer!  I was able to make a more finished piece.  The demo I did for the East Greenwich folk is below:
I just couldn't do things like the ribbon in the time it took to do the demo, answer questions, explain about blogging - as it was I put the poor woman right in front of me to SLEEP!  Riveting, that's me! ;)


  1. Wonderful composition in the top painting. I like the shiney satin bow and the white glass vase. You made it look effortless. The brushwork throughout the painting is great, but, the rose is exceptional!

  2. Aww, Kelley, you don't know. That woman in front might have been out partying the night before.

    I think it's lovely. I admire artists who capture roses with only a very few brush strokes. I was never able to master that trick. I would have loved to have seen your demo.

  3. We are so critical of ourselves aren't we? They are both good! Your brushstrokes are delightful.

  4. The roses are exceptional, beautiful brushwork!

  5. Beautiful and perfect for the Christmas season. You are the energizer bunny!! So inspirational. And in person, riveting. That woman who fell asleep must have been on pain pills and couldn't overcome the dosage!! You're a dynamo!

  6. The roses in this are wonderful. I have never tried to paint a rose, I will put that on my list after I try a doughnut! I think it is so sweet that you sent to do a demo for the E. Greenwich folks- you are a good artist inside and out:)

  7. That is funny Kelley, the woman in the front must have had some sleeping disorder because she missed a wonderful demo. Demoing is hard under any circumstances but this one rocks!

  8. Fabulous quick strokes! What a great demo! I love your Snowmen cute and well painted!


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