
Friday, July 30, 2010

Manager's Special, 6x6 inches, Original Oil by Kelley MacDonald


I hadn't done a donut in a while, and this looked so tempting at Dunkin Donuts! A fellow painter at Daily Painters Originals keeps doing donuts and gets my craving going! So I'm fighting fire with fire - I'll TAKE your vanilla frosted, Susan Roden, and RAISE you a strawberry frosted with orange and pink dots! :) And yeah, I ate this one, after it sat under the lights filling the studio with the smell of warm dough and strawberry!

Doesn't it look sweet in the tiny donut box they gave me for the model?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy, 5x7, Oil

Pomeranians always look happy, and this little guy, who I met during the Scottsdale Gallery Walk a while ago, was no exception. He acted like a 'big dog', in that he was calm, and had a big presence. I let my brushstrokes emphasize his gregarious nature. He was quite a lot of fun to paint!

The previous post of the horse & buggy were from Quebec City!!!! Congrats to those who guessed it!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taking The Romantic Route, 6x6 Oil


Can you guess where this is? Guess and I'll tell you tomorrow. I always felt so bad for these horses in the heat, then when I walked around the block I saw two horses with their muzzles down in a low fountain. OK, if they get a good drink between rides. Otherwise, I'm thinking "Black Beauty" - which I must have read 4 times as a kid!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

End Of Day Reflections, Acrylic 6x6


Another view down the river. I never tire of it. This morning I woke up and saw the moon setting - I took photos and hopefully soon I'll show you that.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Are We There Yet? 6x6, Acrylic

This gaggle of Canada Geese was crossing the road down the street from me. It was a family - 3 youngsters and 2 adults (well, that's what it looked like), and reminded me of my own family and trips we'd taken. There was always the question, "Are We There Yet?" and my husband and I would look at each other like the 2 geese on the right. With a *sigh*.
Also, yes, these are "Canada Geese", as opposed to "Canadian Geese" as you sometimes hear... they don't have Canadian passports....
My husband's favorite part of this painting is the guardrail. Yup, the guardrail....

If you're down in the Duxbury way this weekend, I have 2 paintings in the Midsummer Members' Show at the Duxbury Art Association! I also have 20 little paintings at goooood prices in the members' studio sale!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last Light, 6x6 Acrylic


This painting was from a photo I took in Marshfield, MA. It's such a great place in the summer. I love the peach sky and the pale blue water. You know the time of day... everyone stands transfixed by the play of light between the sky and water.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Naptime, 6x6 Acrylic


Oh, he's too warm to do too much else, here in July!  But truthfully... Paco is a CHAMPION napper. He can fall asleep sitting up.  Or licking my face.  I love the red blanket, too, it's almost like he picks a 'paintable' background sometimes!

I had a wonderful Open Studio weekend.  This was my 'soft' weekend, without invitations, etc.  The BIG one is in August - believe it or not,  it will probably be cooler.  I met so many interesting people, and saw lots of friendly faces from last year - it was great!  Lots of people were interested in classes and workshops, too.  I'm thinking of a couple of Painting Safari's - one in the RI area and one in Hull - where we paint outdoors at a different wonderful location each week.  I'll demo, then we'll paint and do a critique -it'll have just a nominal fee. Beginner to intermediate levels.   Shoot me an email if you're interested, and I'll put you on the mailing list.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pug Dreams, 6x6 OIl


Feeling a little guilty that I haven't updated Paco's Blog in over a month. I am just wayyyy overcommitted at this point. Trying to pare it down, but still have a lot of fun and paint daily. This is my view of Paco on a daily basis, because watching me paint is... just boring! I hope everyone has a great weekend, and if you're in the area, stop by at my Open Studio on my lawn in Tiverton! It Exit 5 off rte 24 -one mile south of the exit. It's the smaller Open Studio - I gear up for the August one, on the lawn as well. Part of the South Coast Open Studio Tour!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maine Morning, 8x8, Oil

I just realized I've hit 600 posts - this is an amazing thing for me.  How quickly time flies!  I can honestly say I've enjoyed every post, and doubly enjoyed the new friends I've made through blogging! 

This was a plein air study done on the dock on the last painting day in Maine.  I loved the pink buoy!  I've got a bit of traveling to do, a little anniversary trip to Quebec where we spent our honeymoon, 33 years ago.  Aside from that I wrenched my neck and shoulder walking Paco last weekend, (he saw something behind us and ran full tilt while I was walking the other way!) and have been unable to paint!  Hopefully by Tuesday I'll be in the swing of things again, and I'll return dying to paint (I am already!).

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pemaquid Rocks, 11x14, oil

$150 & $10 S&ampH
These finger-like slabs of ancient rocks are made up of all types of stone squashed together during the last glacier.  I loved seeing the colors within.  This was done perched on a slab of stone across a tiny cove.  Any move could've sent me and my gear down onto the rocks in the water.  So I was VEEERRY careful.  Hope you're all enjoying family and fun this weekend....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We Want S'Mores! Oil, 6x6 inches

$100 & $10 Shipping and Handling 

This month our Challenge group, Girls Just Wanna Paint chose as it's theme 'Summer Desserts'.  My first thought was "MMMmm Watermelon!", But Page Railsback's gorgeous rendition of watermelon stopped me cold.  Then I thought "Oh!  An ice cream cone!"  And I saw that Nancy Colella did one of those.  So what then?  I was stumped till we had our own cookout and my son wanted s'mores.  So... last day of the month there I am at 5:30 a.m. building a charcoal fire, by 6 a.m. I was roasting a half dozen marshmallow's to the confusion of my neighbors.  The chocolate was ooey and gooey, and the marshmallows were so FLUID, but ultimately paintable.
Happy 4th of July to all of you!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fragrant Mock Orange, 11x14, Oil

This is a view of part of the porch at the Maine farmhouse.  The Mock Orange  bush was in full bloom when we arrived, and more beautiful flowers bloomed daily.  If you've never smelled them, they kind of smell like Lilies of the Valley - on steroids.  My husband's grandmother, Margaret Croft, introduced me to this plant, and every time I smell them, I think of that generous and gracious lady.
$150 & $10 S&H via Paypal
Email me with questions at

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time To Get Painting, 11x14 Oil

This is the kitchen table at the farmhouse we stayed at in Maine.  The scene was to represent the end of coffee time and the breaking out of the paints and easels.  These were special mugs.  The one on the left is a Fiesta mug that I coveted, belonging to my first oil painting teacher and (now) friend, Valerie Vitali.  She brought it from home because it was important to have a cup you loved for tea/coffee.  I SO relate!  The other one was purchased ON THE WAY to Maine (my husband wasn't with me and thus couldn't restrain me as I approached the coffee shop and passed the Thrift Shop in South Boston!).  

Many of us were painting inside the house that day, Jody Regan and I were happily humming while we painted in the kitchen, and I must admit this painting was punctuated by frequent bursts of 70's songs sung by all of us in a most... er... enthusiastic manner (Think... David Cassidy - "I Think I Love You!).  At this point we were beyond feelings of shyness, and fairly rocked the house!
$150 & $10 S&H via Paypal
Email me with questions at