
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maine Morning, 8x8, Oil

I just realized I've hit 600 posts - this is an amazing thing for me.  How quickly time flies!  I can honestly say I've enjoyed every post, and doubly enjoyed the new friends I've made through blogging! 

This was a plein air study done on the dock on the last painting day in Maine.  I loved the pink buoy!  I've got a bit of traveling to do, a little anniversary trip to Quebec where we spent our honeymoon, 33 years ago.  Aside from that I wrenched my neck and shoulder walking Paco last weekend, (he saw something behind us and ran full tilt while I was walking the other way!) and have been unable to paint!  Hopefully by Tuesday I'll be in the swing of things again, and I'll return dying to paint (I am already!).


  1. Kelley, Congrats, on everything! Your 600th painting, and your anniversary! Wow! That is a lot at once! Best wishes for a speedy recovery for you neck, and enjoy that trip to Quebec!

  2. Congratulations on 600 posts, Kelley. Only in people are so committed in what you do.Dedicated people! (I speak from experience as my daughter in Houston is homeschooling) This cottage in Maine with it's own jetty is a symbol of an ideal life,isn't it? I appreciated your comment on Fb and will try to post it in my proper blog.

  3. Congratulation. Sorry to hear about your neck. My little Ozzie did the same thing to me. Torn rotator cup in my shoulder. I am in therapy now for it. He saw some people on bikes. They are strong little doggies. Love your Maine painting.

  4. Thanks, Nancy & Marie! Marie, I'll try to get to your blog today - even typing is irritating my shoulder! Jo Ann, OMG, maybe that's what I have - I am going to wait till I get back from my trip to see a doctor - could be an ice-pack trip!

  5. Your Maine paintings are lovely, Kelley. Congrats on your anniversary and have a great time. Sorry about your fun.

  6. Hi Kelley,
    Nurse that injury well, we don't want you unable to paint.

  7. The pink buoy is so fun. makes you just want to dive in and race to reach it! lovely painting Kelley.

  8. Another beautiful and serene scene with lots of interest. Congrats on 600! You are an inspiration!! Enjoy that special anniversary trip and put some ice on your neck. I take Skelaxton for pain and it works wonders. Long time neck issues. Feel better.

  9. Yay!! Congrats, Kelley!! I love I was born in that province and grew up!
    The painting is gorgeous!!
    Take care of your neck!

  10. this looks like a peaceful spot to go fishing! Happy Anniversary and 600 posts!!!!! I really enjoy your art blog, and paco's..., you are very inspiring!

  11. Hi Kelley:
    I am commenting on your painting today on Daily Painter Originals. Your painting called 'Bloody Mary', has summer patio, cool and refreshing, written (or should I say painted all over it)!
    Is it noon somewhere yet?

  12. Lovely painting Kelley...congratulations on your 600th post, wow!
    Take care and happy anniversary!

  13. Yay! 600! Congrats! Hope you're feeling better soon. And we went to Quebec for our honeymoon too! LOVE the Bloody Mary on DPO.

  14. Very nice one Kelley, it does indeed look like a vacation! Congratulations on all your milestones, 600, WOW!

  15. Wow, 600 paintings! Fabulous. Congrats.

  16. Lovely Kell, wish I could dip my toes into that water right now!
    hugs to you and Paco from toasty Texas!

  17. ah... I can just feel the morning. I am off to paint the landscape next week on the east coast and this gem makes me excited for it.

  18. Nice little scene. Enjoy your anniversary and 600 posts, WOW! Time off and relaxing should help you get back to painting.

  19. This is such a peaceful little painting. 600 posts! Congratulations and have a wonderful anniversary. Sorry about your dogs have done similar things.


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