
Friday, July 30, 2010

Manager's Special, 6x6 inches, Original Oil by Kelley MacDonald


I hadn't done a donut in a while, and this looked so tempting at Dunkin Donuts! A fellow painter at Daily Painters Originals keeps doing donuts and gets my craving going! So I'm fighting fire with fire - I'll TAKE your vanilla frosted, Susan Roden, and RAISE you a strawberry frosted with orange and pink dots! :) And yeah, I ate this one, after it sat under the lights filling the studio with the smell of warm dough and strawberry!

Doesn't it look sweet in the tiny donut box they gave me for the model?


  1. Okey, I'm throwing my baking gloves down Kelley. You're on... but wimpy me posted a cookie today, but I have a killer of a donut for Saturday!
    Check back.....

    ps I love your pink one and sprinkles to boot.

  2. Another yummy donut! Makes me want to get in the car and visit the closest donut shop. :-)

  3. All I can say is "yum", Kelley. Now you've gone and done it - a donut war! Do you think there is a "state donut" like the state bird? Hmmmmm!

  4. I hadn't even thought about eating breakfast until I saw your lovely pink donut. And the photo in the box is still making me laugh. I love it!
    Now ... time to go enjoy my blueberries and cottage cheese ... so boring!

  5. Kelley, you deserve an Academy award for pastry painting! Love the pink and orange!

  6. Laughing out loud at this post! Delicious job on the donut and those tempting sprinkles. Love the shot of it in the box. Looks like you could pick it right up and eat it.

  7. LOL at the painting sitting in the donut box, Kelley!


  8. How funny is the donut wars? Love the icing and sprinkles. You're making me hungry & it's bedtime. Not good.

  9. Ok, I like the box as much as I do the donut!

  10. Ooooo this pink donut is spectacular...the donut in the box is so fun!

  11. Oh yeah, it looks really good! And I don't even eat donuts - Brie on the other hand is crazy for donut holes.


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