
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Naptime, 6x6 Acrylic


Oh, he's too warm to do too much else, here in July!  But truthfully... Paco is a CHAMPION napper. He can fall asleep sitting up.  Or licking my face.  I love the red blanket, too, it's almost like he picks a 'paintable' background sometimes!

I had a wonderful Open Studio weekend.  This was my 'soft' weekend, without invitations, etc.  The BIG one is in August - believe it or not,  it will probably be cooler.  I met so many interesting people, and saw lots of friendly faces from last year - it was great!  Lots of people were interested in classes and workshops, too.  I'm thinking of a couple of Painting Safari's - one in the RI area and one in Hull - where we paint outdoors at a different wonderful location each week.  I'll demo, then we'll paint and do a critique -it'll have just a nominal fee. Beginner to intermediate levels.   Shoot me an email if you're interested, and I'll put you on the mailing list.


  1. This is too sweet. I love hearing the adventures of Paco. I love the blue tinge that helps define the black fur around his face and feet all set against that wonderful red background.

  2. I'd recognize that pooch anywhere, Kelley. Paco is quite the star. Is this his "good" side? I painted a pug named Louie for his owner and I must confess it was a fun little dog to paint. I can see why you paint him.

  3. YES! Hull!!! It's seldom we don't have to commute around here, count me in!

    I love this painting of Paco too -

  4. Congratulations kelley- you rock!
    Love the napping boy- what an angel (;

  5. Darling!!! He appears to be a champion napper. Love the red background!!

  6. That red background is just perfect. Glad the weekend went well.

  7. I don't know what I am more impressed with, the fact that you live in a climate where August will be cooler or this beautiful Paco portrait!

  8. Two fantastic Paco portraits! Your brush work is great and the backgrounds in both paintings are just perfect. Your love for Paco is certainly evident!! :-)

  9. The Painting Safari's sound like a great idea! I'd come if I were close!

  10. Just as cute as the first. You really captured Paco's pugnaciousness. I bet he snores just like our Booger did - so loud we had to have his bed in a different room.

  11. He is so at peace, Kelley! Thank you for visiting on Fb yesterday!

  12. Paco looks so sweet, and innocent. Such a peaceful puppy! You captured that feeling! Beautiful colors!

  13. just so sweet...I can just hear the snoring ZZzzzzzzz.....

  14. Oh my this is wonderful! Paco is perfect on red and so softly painted. It looks as though you painting quietly so he wouldn't wake! Beautiful. One of my favorite pug paintings to date! Raz and blu say hi to Paco!

  15. Love it! The red background is so striking. Bandit is a champion napper too. Sometimes I take a nap with him!!

  16. Kelley!

    This looks more like a study than a finished painting but it's still cute nonetheless!



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