
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Bouquet, 8x8 Oil

Here's a painting of a beautiful bouquet my husband indulged me with while we were grocery shopping. I wanted to paint in the style of my previous winter bouquet with greens, but this is what I came up with after 2 tries. I guess every subject has it's own voice, and you have to be true to it. Here, at my house the time between the holidays is sort of out-of-focus, with me confusing what day it is - who's home? Who's stopping by? Who are we visiting? And although I love it I kind of am looking forward to burying myself in the studio for long hours again.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Candy Canes, Acrylic 8x8

My oldest son loves plain old peppermint candy canes (yes, he's 29.... so what?) so in addition to putting a bunch on the tree I like to have a jar of them hanging around during the holidays. This year I popped a bunch of matte red glass balls in the middle of them. Yesterday I had some time to myself (everyone gone home or visiting or napping) and I set up my acrylics, which I haven't really used much since my Carol Marine workshop, and went at them. The red is more vivid in real life. I like doing holiday themed little paintings, because who cares if they don't sell? I just prop them up in every room and it makes everything a little more festive! And it's good exercise for your eyes - when I would normally, at this point, with a bit of quiet in the house, just head for a comfy chair with tea and my "Splanket" (my daughter bought them for the whole family - we look like a monastery:)!) instead I take this hour or so and measure, measure, measure - value, drawing, color... so it's kind of like going to the gym for your creative self!

I hope everyone had a peaceful holiday. I just may get around to sending out my holiday cards this weekend. We'll see! ;0

Saturday, December 20, 2008

For You, 9x12 Oil

The other day I was visiting my artist friend Nancy Colella, and our plans were to paint, then have a meal together (it's an hour to her house, so I couldn't possibly make it home without food!;).  Well, we ate first, then it turned into a haircut adjustment (it happens, OK?), and then Nancy spread out the tulips I brought her on a table and I painted them.  The blue tone from beneath the paint doesn't show up as much in real life.  I'm getting into painting flowers - I never really saw the point, but now I'm feeling up to the challenge, and am very excited about it!  Today we're buried (about 8 inches) in gorgeous snow, and I'm driving to Logan to pick up Tim from a business trip very late in the day, so I hope I get to paint today - maybe some snow?

$150 through Paypal

Friday, December 19, 2008

Spider Mums & Holiday Greens, 8x8 Oil

What HAVE I been doing? Well, getting healthy, 'sharing' my sickness with my husband, baking cookies, visiting friends, and decorating. Yes, I find I can't wear my 'artist' hat AND my 'Martha Stewart' hat at the same time - and I so rarely give up my artist hat, but I decided this would be the Christmas to do it. And in light of the financial 'crash' we're heading in to (yes, I'll say it - it's looking like a Depression by the time all the pink slips are handed out) I think this holiday should be more about caring for each other than about presents. I have to say I LOVE presents - giving as well as opening, but they're only fluff - the important things of this world are NOT of this world. And there are many who are not reading things on computers who are suffering more than we can imagine. So in light of those things I'm happily enjoying putting the lights on the tree, sticking various greens & berry laden branches in a window box, listening to my Perry Como/Frank Sinatra/Johnny Mathis Holiday music.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

Considering art is my 'job' - I am so blessed - how many other jobs can you 'phone it in' from your couch? Feeling a bit better today, but not clear headed enough to be trusted with a brush.

BUT - the first email I receive (from a subscriber) responding to this post is the winner of this week's raffle/giveaway! You can choose a painting from this Daily Painting Blog for free! When I notify you, simply log on to PayPal and send me the shipping $ ($10, or $12 with insurance).
GOOD LUCK and thanks to all of you who participated - it was fun!

Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes for a healthy, happy New Year to all of you!

BTW, this is my 300th post! I can't believe it's gone by so fast, or that I've met such fantastic people on the blogsphere, thank you all again!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


First... apologies for the no-show this week - I've been down with some evil bug. Now.... when I send out a post tomorrow.... with no artwork, I'm pretty sure, as I'm still curled up in a big blanket on the couch trying to breathe AND swallow.... whoever responds to the post first gets to choose a painting from this blog. The work I did at the workshops and Parrsborro is not eligible. Also, the painting of the skaters from Rockefeller Center is at a Holiday Show. So! All you'll have to pay is $10 or $12 shipping (insurance is the $2 difference) by Paypal, and I'll ship it out,

Happy Holidays to you all!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Holiday Reflections, 5x7 Oil

Two in one day - am I crazy?
This one is $100 - through Paypal - just email me at The WINNER of the Gift Raffle today was Katie May McElwain! Thank you for all who emailed responded. I think I'll do at least one more of these (it was fun) and my husband had a great idea for the next one - that the winner gets to CHOOSE which painting they want from the blog (assuming I still have it... ). What do you think of THAT one? Also, today's post was scheduled (by Blogger) to go out at 9 a.m. EST, but apparently it went out earlier. Next week I'll do it manually to make sure the mid and west folk have an equal chance!

Dog Show day - it was PERFECT - warm, clear weather, good health, etc., except I was late and MISSED the Boston Terriers due to a tractor trailer accident on the highway. Fortunately I got to chat with an owner/breeder of the kissiest little Boston, and she happens to live on Boston's South Shore - where I haunt my friends! No litters this year, but I'll keep in touch. I don't know that they snore less than pugs (my actual first choice), but we'll keep them towards the top of the list. Also there was a plethora of pugs this year, which just makes my day complete, and the corgi's were adorable, too. Lastly the Scotties were serious but sweet - just making a wonderful morning.

FREE! Poinsettia 6x6 Oil

THIS ONE'S FOR MY SUBSCRIBERS! (Anyone who has signed up for my Group and gets my posts in their Inbox). Terrible glare. I apologize! I tried in every light, inside, outside, in the bathroom, in the common room at the studio (no windows).... and I COULDN'T get the glare to go away! This freebie (to subscribers to the blog) painting is on the 1 1/2 inch gallery wrapped canvas - so no frame necessary - go ahead, re-gift, it' OK with me! Anyhew... IF anyone wants it and is a subscriber to this blog - email me - the first one to arrive in the inbox gets it for the price of shipping - $10 via Paypal (If you want insurance on the package it is $12). This baby is VERY wet and glossy, I wouldn't think of shipping it till Monday or Tuesday - but I'll let you know. Happy Holidays from ME!

And this was so much fun, I'm going to do it again NEXT week. Day to be decided... I'll let you know on Monday. Thanks, everyone for checking in, and I do love the comments... I'll announce the winner tonight - I'm at the DOG SHOW all day today! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cup And Shells, 6x8 Oil

I wonder if I have a personality disorder - oh, yes, I remember - MSD (Multiply Style Disorder)! I mean sometimes when I look at my set up I set to work and something kind of realistic comes out on the canvas/board. Other days, something like THIS falls onto the canvas before I can even think! Ever happen to you?

Oh, well.... be on the lookout for tomorrow's post - WHICH IS FREE to the first subscriber who emails me (they will pay $10 postage, though!).

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holiday Kiss, 6x6 Oil

This is $100 through Paypal - just email me if interested.
I had a terrible time photographing this. The green is prettier in person. The background is darker, too - but the glare was impossible to get rid of! I know I'll be sorry I bought a bag of these things - but I need them for my Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies - next week is 'Cookie Week' where I drop everything and make something like 38 dozen cookies to give as gifts. Today I strung some colored lights in my studio, but I still have to dig out the Christmas music (I'm the sort of person who has to be told in Feb. "It's annoying everyone else to listen to Christmas music in February...") and I try to keep it to December, but next thing I know it's months later. When we split our time between Hull and Tiverton, during the hour car ride my cat Isabelle would only settle down if I had Vince Gill's Christmas CD on (I played it for her till May) - yeah, I know, Vince Gill? But we did experiments and she cried with any other CD.

OK - just a reminder - FRIDAY's POST will be FREE to the first subscriber who emails me!

IHOP Bowl, 6x6 Oil

This little IHOP bowl comes from Santa Fe, and I wanted to paint it with a silver spoon but I couldn't find one in the studio, hence the green plastic spoon. Nursing a rejection from the Daily Painters.Com (2nd one) and trying to be philosophical about it. Micah said the primary reason was that I didn't post enough. He said that they try to only accept artists who post at least 20 times a month. So I guess I fell short of that. Still.... I think if my paintings were amazing, they would have accepted me and told me it was conditional upon 20+ posts. (Here I'm patting my own head and saying 'poor thing....'). I many times don't post because the painting didn't work out. Do people want to see the 'losers'? The ones where I just want to wipe off? I know I'll get over it (again) and I know I'll throw myself even more into my blogging. So be prepared for MORE posts from me, and..... have a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Visiting Day for Cranberries, 4x6 Oil

Another cranberry painting - I'll be sure to do something different tomorrow.  I was going to fill the little vase with berries, but turns out I left the bag of them at home, and I only had the 5 at the studio!  I obviously enjoy painting the glass now, and red is this season's color, so... cranberries!  I hope to include a Holiday Special Announcement in tomorrow's post, so stay tuned!  

Also - on Friday - I'll be posting a FREE RAFFLE painting.  Anyone who is a 'subscriber' to  my blog is eligible (right now that stands at around 70 people).  After I post the painting, the first one to email me and say they want it will get it for FREE, excepting $10 shipping and handling, payable by Paypal.  If you are the winner I will email you and tell you.  When I receive the Shipping payment I'll make the announcement that you won.  It doesn't matter how long you've been a subscriber - even if you just sign up on Thursday night, that's OK!  It's my way of saying 'Thank You" to everyone who has supported, encouraged, and put up with me and my art this year!