
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holiday Kiss, 6x6 Oil

This is $100 through Paypal - just email me if interested.
I had a terrible time photographing this. The green is prettier in person. The background is darker, too - but the glare was impossible to get rid of! I know I'll be sorry I bought a bag of these things - but I need them for my Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies - next week is 'Cookie Week' where I drop everything and make something like 38 dozen cookies to give as gifts. Today I strung some colored lights in my studio, but I still have to dig out the Christmas music (I'm the sort of person who has to be told in Feb. "It's annoying everyone else to listen to Christmas music in February...") and I try to keep it to December, but next thing I know it's months later. When we split our time between Hull and Tiverton, during the hour car ride my cat Isabelle would only settle down if I had Vince Gill's Christmas CD on (I played it for her till May) - yeah, I know, Vince Gill? But we did experiments and she cried with any other CD.

OK - just a reminder - FRIDAY's POST will be FREE to the first subscriber who emails me!


  1. Great blog- very nice paintings- I will have to come back and read some more. You never know, we could be related somehow... I am getting inspired to try some acrylic or oils in small scale- it looks like fun.

  2. Hi Kelley, You did a great job. This really looks like tin foil covering the chocolate kiss. I love your personal comments in your post, especially hearing about your cats. I'm a cat fanatic! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Kelley, great painting; your metallic paper really looks metallic!


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