
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cup And Shells, 6x8 Oil

I wonder if I have a personality disorder - oh, yes, I remember - MSD (Multiply Style Disorder)! I mean sometimes when I look at my set up I set to work and something kind of realistic comes out on the canvas/board. Other days, something like THIS falls onto the canvas before I can even think! Ever happen to you?

Oh, well.... be on the lookout for tomorrow's post - WHICH IS FREE to the first subscriber who emails me (they will pay $10 postage, though!).


  1. i like this one!
    Sally Dean

  2. Look great Kelley. I'm hoping to win your painting tomorrow!

  3. This is really wonderful. And, I believe you've coined a new term. Yes, working in several styles is something that happens. I'm so glad it does. Very good work. Love the contrasts and rich color.

  4. Hi Kelley, I was really interested to read your comments to Karin regarding ebay. Not a great first experience for you, but I'm sure it will get better given your talent and subject choices. I guess it's all about momentum if you consider art to be a business as well as a passion. Good luck with it. I've yet to test those waters.

  5. Hahahaha--Multiple Style Disorder! I have it too.


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