
Friday, December 19, 2008

Spider Mums & Holiday Greens, 8x8 Oil

What HAVE I been doing? Well, getting healthy, 'sharing' my sickness with my husband, baking cookies, visiting friends, and decorating. Yes, I find I can't wear my 'artist' hat AND my 'Martha Stewart' hat at the same time - and I so rarely give up my artist hat, but I decided this would be the Christmas to do it. And in light of the financial 'crash' we're heading in to (yes, I'll say it - it's looking like a Depression by the time all the pink slips are handed out) I think this holiday should be more about caring for each other than about presents. I have to say I LOVE presents - giving as well as opening, but they're only fluff - the important things of this world are NOT of this world. And there are many who are not reading things on computers who are suffering more than we can imagine. So in light of those things I'm happily enjoying putting the lights on the tree, sticking various greens & berry laden branches in a window box, listening to my Perry Como/Frank Sinatra/Johnny Mathis Holiday music.


  1. Carol Marine indeed.
    You really kept the pattern, the darks are succulent with temp changes and stuff and the white flowers are perfect.
    Grand Slam

  2. This is really quite charming, Kelley. Glad to see you are back and feeling better. Happy holidays!

  3. Beautiful! Love it. So glad you are well and enjoying the true spirit of the holidays. - Debbi on her iPhone sitting in the Charlotte airport happy to be going home.

  4. Hi Kelley, beautiful painting! The colors are wonderful! Best wishes for getting healthy and having a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!

  5. Kelley, Gee I really love this one. Edges are so important and I think they really made this painting have such great ambiance.

  6. This is a delightfully appealing painting, Kelley. Glad you're back and well. I think you're right about the economy, too. Best of Holidays to you and your family!

  7. Thanks for the in depth comment, Mary. It means a lot! Hey, Carol, thanks and Happy Holidays back at you! Nancy, it's so nice to hear from you - hope you are having a great time this Christmas, too!

    Jala, Diane and Joann - I so appreciate your comments, now and year-round, I AM all better now and raring to go!

  8. Kelley, this is gorgeous! I love the reddish color peeking out between the greens. I'm a real fan of using complementary colors - it really makes this one pop!

    Like you, I have a hard time choosing between my artist hat and my Martha Stewart hat. I love them both! The past couple of weeks it's been a real juggling act, and my blogger hat is lying over in the corner somewhere.

    Thanks for mentioning the real spirit of Christmas ... being aware of those around us going through tough times and doing what we can to help. Sounds like you're really getting into an "attitude of gratitude," and really enjoying celebrating the season.

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Oh.,...this is gorgeous Kelley...

    Beautiful reflections.

  10. Hi Kelley- so glad you stopped at my blog because now I get to know about and visit yours.
    You may have channeled CM in this painting but you really made it your own and did everything so right.
    It's a beauty. And you're so prolific.

    Wonderful, personal, upbeat blog with much to look at and muse over.


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