
Friday, October 24, 2008

Pink Ballet Slippers, 8x6 Oil


I bought these at a yard sale because they reminded me of my daughter Molly's ballet slippers, which she wore day and night as a very little girl.  Of course I think I saved Molly's, but I don't know where they are.  They just looked to me like a snapshot of childhood, so transitory and sweet.  I really loved painting the pink leather, it was so buttery and smooth.  And I put them on a green background, because it was the one that gave the most 'pop' against the pale pink.  Trying to keep the brushstroke loose, this painting just fell onto the canvas, it was a joy to paint!


  1. They are great! I bought some more peppers last night when I went food shopping! Oy.

  2. I know, the peppers are so cool this time of year!

  3. I love the way you painted the light hitting them. I see the pink on the right and it draws me in wanting to see more, but then you get lost in the light...beautiful!

  4. I really like the angle on these. Nice perspective.


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