
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Peppers In A Glass, 6x8 Oil

Now, for something completely different.  I can tell you - but you won't know to believe me - that this looks much, much better in person.  I was interested in glass and reflections, and the background is black velvet.  I didn't use any black paint, (though I do have it, and occasionally use it, Chromtatic Black) just mixed viridian green, alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue.  I included the little peppers because I NEEDED some color - and it was just enough.  Virtually impossible to photograph because of the glare, this is as good as I could get.  Tomorrow .... another sharp detour....

Thanks, everyone (all 12 of you!) for answering the poll on my blog.  It really does help to get outsiders' advice.

And I have a few new interesting bloggers that I've found and added to my list of links - check out the top 4 - they're new!


  1. this is really beautiful & unique- I love the colors and the deceptively simple composition... there's something very 'mid-century' about it. It's too bad there are those tiny flecks of light on it from the camera, I hate those! (but it still looks great)

  2. Thanks, I struggle with a dark background when I'm trying to take a photo. My studio has light coming in from every angle (except one), that's one thing I've got to learn.


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