
Monday, October 27, 2008

Pink Gerber, 8x6 Oil

I really enjoy painting these Gerber Daisies - I love their saturated color and the almost chunky petals - they're just wild!  So I bought a small bunch today and am going to play with them in different settings.  All the Daily Paintings will have a 'click to bid' option now - it's taken me a while, I'm technologically challenged.  Good news, my daughter is seeing a nice young man who works in 'IT'... so I've got to find out what kind of cookies he likes and get busy with some good bribes!

Other good news: I got 2 pieces into the very competitive North River Arts Calendar Competition - and while neither was selected for a 'month' in the 2010 calendar, it was an honor to be selected for the finals & show.  Also I got into another national juried show :  Small Wonders, in Annapolis, MD, which will run for the month of December at the Maryland Federation of Art. :)


  1. Very nice! Great values and shapes.
    CONGRATULATIONS on your two acceptances. All that slogging around with paintings paid off!
    I love it!
    almost out of Scotsburn butter :(

  2. You've got lots of good news..congrats and yes bribery is so good.

    These are beautiful and I always like the way you render the reflections in your vases.

  3. Congrats on your successes in the competitions! Nice work!

  4. Congratulations! Getting accepted is such a nice pat on the back for us artists.

  5. Thank you, guys, don't I know it! I keep saying "I'm done with competitions for 6 months..." and today I'm going to drop off at another one ;).


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