To all my friends who will be attending the North River Art Association's Opening Reception for the Art Festival this Friday night: If you see the two smiling faces pictured here, please introduce yourself and say 'hi'! This is
Phyllis Adams and her husband Rich, who will be at a NRAS function for the very first time. I encouraged Phyllis to submit something for the Juried Show, and not only did she get in, she got a prize for composition! (errr.... I did not get anything in.... in the spirit of my almost completely rejected Spring...). SO... she's going to the Opening, but doesn't know a SOUL. So I told her how friendly everyone there is, and there will be tons of nice people to talk to. Don't be shy! I hope you all have an awesome time, and congratulations to marvelous artist
Nancy Colella, as well, for a BIG prize there!!!! Check out their websites and blogs, and enjoy yourselves! I will be attending another Opening for another friend that evening, not sitting home and moping!
Hi Kelley, thanks, I feel like a am a nerdy new kid in third grade and the teacher is telling the class to be nice to me. Phyllis