
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yellow Bouquet, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

  Getting ready for Open Studios this year has been more of a push up than usual. In the past I tidied up, brought bins of paintings from my studio, hung the signage, and VOILA!  This year I still had boxes I had yet to unpack form moving my studio into my LIVING ROOM, plus I had 3 easels, 3 mediums, all my art supplies... all that needed moving.  Oh, and stacks of paintings against the walls, on the walls and on the shelving, which needed to be relocated, too.  WAH!  What was I thinking?  I should have been getting ready for this for MONTHS.

Well, what happens when you're under the gun and the clock is ticking, and you know you should have started waaaaaay earlier?  You become exhausted, you fall down the stairs, you miss deadlines because you were not looking at the clock, you accidentally let the cat out one day and he disappears (no worries, he did come back) and the dog out another day and he runs down the middle of Main Road leaving you NO choice but to chase him in your NIGHTGOWN and flip flops, you argue with people you love, UNTIL it's all done.

Happy to report it's all done :)  And we can be normal now - I mean, as normal as we ever were.  Some nice Facebook friends have suggested that if this art thing doesn't work out I could write sit-coms from my life.  We'll see how it goes.  Anyway, I'd SO love to see you, and have you see what I've been working on.  I love meeting people who follow the blog - so be SURE to introduce (or re-introduce - I have a brain like a sieve) yourself if you decide to take a ride to one of the most beautiful areas in New England!  


  1. Good luck Kelley.....glad you finally got it together....been there.

  2. Yes..Sit com artist a good back up. Will miss your Open Studio this round..will try for next. Good Skills my dear..your work is beautiful

  3. The complement color sure makes these gorgeous tulips pop!! I'd have paid to see you chasing Paco in the nightgown and flip flops. So something that I've had to do myself! LOL Good luck today!


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