
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Maine Thing, a collage of Maine Paintings by Kelley MacDonald

I threw together a little collage of my most recent Maine paintings.  Most of these are available at my Open Studio this weekend.  I know I'm supposed to be organizing, hanging, spit & polishing, etc. but here is what I have been doing: 

Yup, painting MASSIVE jelly donuts, then trying to get a selfie wearing a hat because - well, it was a Bad Hair Day, that's all I'm gonna say about that.  So on the front of my house is a strange assortment of large paintings:  A red dory on a calm pond.... A Sun & fields with fractured paint - in thick squares and dabs.... and two massive jellies in a stack.  Still painting like crazy - thank God when I missed a step on the stairs on Saturday last it was my LEFT shoulder I wrenched.  

If you're in driving distance, and want to take a nice drive - we have dozens of artists this weekend who have opened their studios.... so ice cream (Gray's), seafood and art - does it get any better than this?


  1. Oh I do love all of your Maine paintings. Strong lines and colors give rise to beautiful pieces!

  2. wow...those giant jellies tell a whole different story! I love how big they are! Very cute photo...bad hair day or not.

  3. ouchie shoulder issues :(
    Anyway, I will be there and that photo of you is priceless!!

  4. Kelley: I am heading to Maine on Saturday for 15 glorious days of painting. I will breathe in the cool misty air and smell the salt water. What a change that will be for me, living here in the NM desert.

  5. What a great post, Kelley! I love your collage and everything in it (as well as the terrific photo in front of humongous donuts.) Can't believe it's time for Open Studio again-I had so much fun seeing you last year.
    I'll be in Maine again in early August so maybe we can meet up for a little visit.


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