
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Snow Shadows, 6x6 Inch Acrylic Painting By Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Ahhhh... my favorite part of winter - the shadows on the snow from the trees.  And lately.... we've had snow!  So much that I couldn't even think about trying to find a place to park at my studio, till today.  (So I'm not unpacked, really, at all)  I've been painting away, though, once we got our heat back, and this is a painting I'd been working on, actually, for a while.. the snow and the shadows have many, many layers of paint.  I like the abstract quality, with no actual tree in the painting... just the shadows.

And, well, it's Valentine's Day, (at least for another hour or so) and I want to wish you all a Happy one!  In my class at the Providence Art Club yesterday we worked, again, on values.  I introduced them to my friend Laurel Daniel and her work, and showed them one of her exercises on values, and they we all did them... after which, we painted our subject, keeping in mind that, as artist Peggi Kroll Roberts says "Value does all the work, and Color gets all the credit."  Check out these two wonderful artists!
And here was my demo, it is a 4x4 painting of pink martini's - email me if interested, it's $65

AND who should drop in on our class but....
this guy.  He was very nice, and apparently is a native Rhode Islander!


  1. James Woods, no? Love the blues/violets in the snow shadows!

  2. Wow....James his acting. Pink martinis...perfect!

  3. I miss James Woods on TV. He played such a great attorney and father. What was he doing in the studio? Love your tree shadows - I can "hear" the quiet of snow!

  4. Great post, glad your class at the art club is going well, you have so much to share, it was that talk you gave at the PAG that gave me the courage to start my blog!


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