
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Now For Something Completely Different

"Angels Watch Over Her"
6x6 inches

Well, it's about time I published the collage I did for my Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge for January.  I was flummoxed over a collage, remembering my really bad attempts in high school.  So I took a painting I'd done a long time ago, and touched it up, and cut and tore some paper for it and voila!  

The studio move is over... and now just the sifting and more tossing out is ongoing!  I had a couple of new students in my Saturday Class (which is ongoing, and on a drop-in basis, just email me for info), and they were Angels themselves for putting up with the chaos. "I'll make everyone tea.... oh, wait, water boiling... where's the tea? Where are the cups? :)  It was better than this photo by the time class started, and will be MUCH better next week!


  1. The collage is adorable and whimsical! Great idea you had there. Also, your studio looks like it is going to be a great space and soon too!

  2. I love the collage! And your studio looks awesome. Can't wait to see it!

  3. Great collage. We all need angels....Looks like a great studio space...Is it closer to you?

  4. LOVE this!! Very special. Can I post it on my angel blog??? Collage is a great medium for you. I love how the flotation of the angel is enhanced by the technique. Your studio is fabulous!! xoxo

  5. oh kelley!
    everything you make is full of light, life and inspiration!
    i adore your collage!


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