
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pretty In Pink, 5x7 Inch Oil Painting Of A Pug, by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Is she FUN or what?   
I must admit, as daunting as doing 30 paintings in 30 days, (as per Leslie Saeta's Challenge), I find that I am learning so much about my subject.  Now, I have, for most of every single day have, as a companion a gorgeous pug.  I look into those amber eyes, I ruffle that wrinkly forehead, I snuggle that plush, pudgy body.  But until I painted the group of pugs I've chosen, I was unaware of the exact anatomy that is a Pug.  The little gorilla nose, for example - stumped me at first.  The protruding eyes, and how to make them appear so.  That little chin...  I can tell you I am excited every day to paint a new and different composition.

Happy also for the break in topic for the weekends, too!  Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments on my Mojitos.  Be assured it is going to a wonderful home.  I couldn't be more pleased to reconnect with a great family, and know that my work will be in the new home of a young woman I met as a child!


  1. Poor Pugs to be all dressed up! LOL Why do I suspect they'd prefer to be nakie? Wonderful painting, Kelley.

  2. It's Annie Bee ;)
    You are doing a great job on this series. You know your pugs.

  3. Awwwwwww...who wouldn't love this one!!!! so expressive. I agree with Margaret ...a pug calendar is to be made!

  4. I will buy a pug calendar!!! But don't put Paco in a skirt. I don't think he would like it. Love to see what you come up with each day.

  5. Love the tutu. I think you captured the face of the pug with the: I really hate when she dresses me up expression. I love your choice of the orange background, what fun. Is he/she holding up the front paw?

  6. Just adorable! What a perfect job that you did!

  7. Kelley, This little face is so adorable! You captured the essence of pug cuteness! Brilliant work!


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