
Monday, January 14, 2013

Love, 5x7 Inch Oil Painting of a Pug by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Now I ask you... is this little face not ADORABLE?  There's a bit of glare but that's because the paint was so wet when I took the photo.  I have always loved Black Pugs.  (Yes, that was before Paco showed me how vastly superior Fawn Pugs are...) 

I'm enjoying the heat wave here in Rhode Island - the only like of heat wave I can bear - it's been 52 degrees!  I'll take it....  be well, friends...

Almost halfway through my 30 paintings in 30 days.. and I must say - once you get into it... it's not so bad!


  1. That face is indeed adorable! I love the pink background too; so perfect for this cutie.

  2. You are doing an amazing job with a single subject (almost)Thanks for your facebook tip; but how do I put my blog link on it??

  3. So sweet and the pink background is perfect!


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