
Monday, December 31, 2012

What's going on?

Don't you love the holiday season - to be over?  Kidding.  It's a lot of running around and visiting and gifting and caroling and cooking, but so worth it.  I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas as much as I did.  This tree is a rendition I did of my little silver tinsel tree on my iPad, with my new brush stylus.  What a tool!  Anyway, too pooped to do a lot of actual painting, but the iPad is like a sketchbook - so fun!  I've taken a little break from 'production' and I think it's a good thing.  I've got a million ideas for new projects for the coming year!  Two I can tell you about now:



  1. I like your IPad sketch! You are always soooo busy. Glad you are taking a little break before the new year begins. Wishing you a great year!!

  2. Love your flyers for your upcoming classes, Kelley. Looks and sounds like it'll be a blast - especially the Paint Your Passion.

  3. Happy New Year Kelley! Here's to a wonderful year ahead filled with peace and happiness and lots of beauty to paint!

  4. Love this! looks all tinselly and sparkly! Happy happy new year!!!

  5. Thanks for the reminder that it can be a good thing to take a painting break, especially during the holidays when we want to relax and enjoy being with family and friends. Wishing you a fabulous 2013. Love you iSketch!!! xoxo

  6. Fabulous and as usual, I love your cards!
    Happy New Year dearest. Hope you enjoy your cosmos tonight :)

  7. Wish I could take your class. Happy New Year!!!

  8. Wish I could take your class. Happy New Year!!!


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