
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year and Matisse! Painting by Kelley Macdonald

"Inspired By Matisse" 5x7 inches, Acrylic

This month, Girls Just Wanna Paint topic was "Matisse".  See them HERE.  We could do a copy, a response, a painting in his style, etc.  I loved the piece he did of doves, and I made this iteration of it.  Towards the end of the painting, I realized that he used cut paper, and oh, how much easier that would have been!    I watched the movie on Netflix, "A Model For Matisse" about a chapel he designed for his good friend, a Dominican Sister.

Happiest of New Years to all of you!  Thank you for much for reading my posts, for writing to me and encouraging me, laughing along with me and befriending me.  I treasure you, each and every one.

In January I've decided to join a 30 day 'Challenge' that Leslie Saeta is hosting on her blog:
  30 Paintings In 30 Days.  It starts Jan 2.

I've decided to do DOGS.  Pugs, a lot.  IF you know any cute pugs (or dogs) I'd love you to send me a photo - I need inspiration besides my beloved Paco!  Always looking for inspiration!  Thanks, and be happy!

Maybe come to my Thursday class or Saturday class, and make yourself happy!


  1. Love your colors and the geometric feel to this one, Kelley. Have you visited Nancy Medina's blog? She has 4 pugs and calls her home the Medina House for Wayward Pugs. She also does beautiful florals. Her blog link is on my blog.

  2. Thank you for sharing, seeing the paintings from your group has inspired me to learn more about Matisse. Gonna go do research now :)

  3. You have a lot going on!!! I love the Matisse inspiration! Good luck with the 30 in 30 pups!!!

  4. Loved seeing everyones Matisse this morning. Definitely painting my way through this year and will be seeing you for painting class on the 12th!


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