
Saturday, November 17, 2012


OOOOppppps - the time for the Sunday, Nov. 18th Open House at The Art Stable Gallery, in Westport, MA is from 2-5 - heaven help me, I wrote 12-4 yesterday.  Sure, we will be OPEN at 12 but our festivities will begin at 2 p.m.!!!!  This handsome couple will be on display.  The artists will be recognizable because we will be wearing Holiday Hats.  Yes, it was my idea.  It's possible I'll be drummed out for it.  :)
I'd so love to meet you all!  I met a woman today, as I was visiting my friend Page Railsback at HER Open Studio today, who follows my blog.  It is always so wonderful to meet my 'friends' from the blog world.  Please, if you ever are around, introduce yourself.  It'll be great to meet you. 

And now... your moment of Zen....
Paco loves you, and will happily be your best friend... should you meet him!


  1. I guess it all depends on what the holiday hats look like!!!!

  2. Love the dancing sea gulls and Paco. Give him a hug for me.

  3. Oh, I do love Paco too! Hope you have a blast today, Kelley. Love the blues and taupes of this painting!

  4. Great seeing you yesterday Kelley. Have a very good day today with your group show. Wish I could be there. Your paintings are so yummy...Love the little cow above and love you

  5. Maybe too much bubbly? Just teasing. sure wish I could go and see all your juicy paintings in person. Sophie sends Paco her love. Enjoy the day.

  6. Happy open house! Wish that I could be there! Love your bird coupe, just perfect!


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