
Monday, November 19, 2012

Calling Bonnie!

Well, we had a wonderful Open House Sunday at the Art Stable Gallery - lots of wonderful collectors picked up fabulous new paintings and we all made new friends and connections, and just ... well.. see a photo, below, of all of us artists (and one little artist elf) apres party!
Anyway... I met a wonderful woman named Bonnie, who was interested in the painting of the labs, above.  I got her first name and her email address - which keeps bouncing back.  I know Bonnie's daughter checks in on my blog, and I would ask that she ask her mom to email me at!  I don't know why I didn't get her phone number, but these events are very hectic.  We all need to bring in new work to re-fill the walls at the Gallery - as we are open until Christmas!!!  Thank you thank you all who came - it was great to meet you!


  1. Love the hats!!! And love the painting!!! the pups have such personality! I am sure Bonnie will love it!.

  2. So happy it was such a great success!!!

  3. Love the happy faces! Looks like great fun.

  4. Love this painting! This looks like such a fun time! Have a wonderful week!


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