This painting was done as a plein air study when I was with my peeps on St. Simon's Island, GA in May of this year. It is not for sale, as I don't sell the pieces I paint on these trips (UNLESS it's right off the easel, on location... for some reason I can't say 'no' when someone wants it right then and there!). But I was entranced by the palm trees. We don't have any here in Rhode Island and I just love their elegance. It's good to stretch yourself and paint things you're not used to. I'm trying to work on a bigger one based on this study but it's fighting me. Wish me luck with that!~
Paintings of every little thing, and all the important big things as well. My view. My inspiration.....
My Website
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Peace Out, 6x12 Inches, Original Oil Painting
I have a thing about cairns. Aside from the fact that they are ROCKS and I love rocks :) I love looking at the stack of them... their different colors and shapes and textures. I started, when I moved to RI, to collect white egg-shaped rocks. Quickly that turned to all white smooth rocks, and then black rocks, egg shaped and also sort of tubular. Then flattened black ones, and... a few lovely seal gray ones. Which led to speckled ones, in brown, off white and gray based colors.
Now when I tell you that my husband practically agreed to move once because he thought (bwa-ha-ha!) that we would be rid of the rock collections... you must believe me. And I DID leave most of them behind.... but I had partners in my crime - my 2 sons, who also loved rocks. Now they're grown and I have to admit I have this.... addiction! Fortunately for me every winter throws up millions of these lovely large stones on our shores. My poor husband. I think I will build a stone wall with them.... or decorate the garden with cairns...or paint them or something. They seem to have little personalities!
This one is 6x12, and it just may make it to my Open Studio in August. If not.... I'll paint another... maybe a really BIG one! :D Be well, friends, and thank you for your comments!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Pink Light, 6x6 inches, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald
$100 & $10 S&H
I adore the dusks when the sky is deep pink and the water is lavender with pink 'rivers' in it. And then, when a sailboat comes by and catches a tiny bit of that pink light in its' sail.... perfection!
To my dear friends and relations who think I may have skipped the country: I am buried in my studio, painting big, little, medium sized pieces, I'm just thoroughly enjoying myself and not even bringing the phone with me. Sorry, sometimes I have to do that.
I will give you a sneak peek of a work-in-progress. It's 36x36 inches, and is part of a series....
And if you think this is easy I WELCOME you to come and give it a whirl!
Picture yourself laying on the grass, looking up.....
biggest painting I've ever done. I will hang them on the front porch the week before the Open Studio Tour, in August. Try not to run off the road looking at them... :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Christmas Cove, 20x24, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald
This painting was inspired by a visit to Christmas Cove (Bristol?) Maine, on my recent trip. I love the pine trees clinging to the rocks, with barely a toe hold on a small grassy area. Off to the right is the passage, by larger islands, to the open ocean. Reminds me of 'kick back time', and Maine's motto, "The Way Life Should Be..." What's not to love?
This painting is hanging at The Art Stable Gallery in Westport, MA - which, BTW has tons of new work hanging - I must say it's a great summer to be in that gallery!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Still Morning On The River, 8x8 Inches, Acrylic
Mornings this time of year are spectacular. I've taken to either sitting on my front porch with my camera or my acrylics ('hi' to everyone who drives by, then tells me they saw me...). Some mornings are rosier than others. Sunday morning's (below) was really sweet. Soft, atmospheric colors... very dreamy. WHAT a weekend. I'm kind of shell shocked, actually!
Saturday morning my partner-in-crime (my husband) got up and came with me to another dog event, so I could maybe get more shots of these pups strutting their stuff. It was SO much fun - please don't ask if you can come with me, you'll only be miffed at me! I'm totally absorbed, and no company while I'm at dog events. As a matter of fact.. I kind of shut the world out, and get in a zone. I didn't hear the announcer (speaking to ME) saying "LADY WITH THE CAMERA - YOU ARE IN THE SPLASH ZONE..." duh. I knew that - but that's where the best shots were!
Then it was the South Coast Open Studio weekend (I'm only doing the August Tour) and I stopped by the Art Stable Gallery, Karen Raus' and Susan Medyn's studio's - then on to a snazzy party with a FOOD TRUCK and tons of fun people. Seriously. I really enjoyed myself. AT A PARTY. Sunday brought a family party, then picking up at Little Compton Art Show where....
my Water Dancer found a new home! I will miss that little girl!
And remember 3 years ago when I was on the verge of tears because I never had a puppy who was as much work as a baby? Little Paco? I found some quick doodles I had of him in my sketchbook. Here's one:

He was a constantly moving target...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Dusk View, 8x24 inches, Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald
Another new one at the gallery. I have been painting a LOT lately - yeah, I know, a lot of you think I paint a lot because I do a lot of Daily Paintings (small format paintings). But since I got back from Maine I have been working on bigger pieces. The dogs recently were two that came out of it but I have a couple of 36x36's coming...). But I have been thinking a lot about color and texture. This painting, simple as it looks, took days to complete. I very much wanted this particular sliding scale of the orange and the pink/lavendar. You see colors like that around here after the sun sets - the water leans to lavender, and the sky orange. Also just before the sun rises.
So! Hoping I can paint enough so that my INNER painter can come out and play, and she's coming up the driveway - I can see her but she's not here yet. But paintings like this are getting me there.
This is at the Art Stable Gallery. 865 Main Road Westport, and will be open from 11-5 Saturday and Sunday, and should be well attended! I'm going to be there around lunchtime (probably 1-ish) on Saturday. Should be a blast :)
Yep, more dogs coming - but not for a few days!!!! I'm hooked on that series!
*and yes, that's a piece of grass on the lower edge - I just noticed it! I took the photo in the grass!)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Go, Ebony!!,12x12 Inch Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald
THANK you everyone for your wonderful response to yesterday's painting! This is #2 in the series of 3 paintings. I'll include a video below of an actual jump - video taken by my friend Sally's with her PHONE :D.
There's just something about these retrievers. They love having this task, and doing so well at it. They truly reacted to the cheers of the crowd, and I can only imagine how great it felt to swim on that warm day! This painting, as well, is at the Art Stable Gallery, 865 Main Road, Westport, MA.
I'm trying to keep them nice and loose, and about the movement and the 'doggieness' of them. Have fun watching the video!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Good Dog, Bailey!, 12x12 Original Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald
"Good Dog, Bailey!"
On our way to our painting retreat in Maine last month, my buddy Sally Dean Mello and I pulled off the highway to take a break. In a shopping center parking lot there was this huge tank of water with a ramp, and a lot of dogs (mostly, but not all, retriever types) in line. Turns out it was some kind of competition for the dogs to run and leap as far as they could, pick up their toy that had been tossed, and swim back. To say that these dogs had a blast was an understatement. They could NOT get their turn again soon enough! I've gotten 2 of my 3 painted, on 12x12 gallery wrapped (no need for frames) canvases. They are now at the Art Stable Gallery at 835 Main Road in Westport, MA.
The South Coast Open Studio Tour for July (I'm doing the August tour at my house and I would LOVE to see you!) happens all around our gallery. Here's what I suggest, on this lovely weekend. Stop by the gallery around lunchtime. The shop next door, called Partners Village Store, has fabulous lobster rolls, $19, and worth every penny, with fresh local lobster, and a lovely patio to eat on right in front of the gallery!!!! Now, here's the tip: call your sandwich order in ahead (they also have great ham, turkey and veggie sandwiches) because it's a half hour wait. Then come, devour, and stop in to the Gallery. I'm going to try to be there around lunchtime at least on Saturday. I'd be so happy to meet you! Anyway, clicking on the link HERE, will get you the downloadable Tour Guide. Email me if you'd like the insider's guide to some really cool artists....
And a *shout out* to Margaret - (friend of Maria Hock's!) for stopping in the gallery last week while I was there.... SO great to meet you!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hot Slide, 6x6 Inches, Oil
I haven't decided if this one will be the one I submit for my Challenge group's July painting. The topic is "HEAT" and I have a couple of weeks to decide. This is what the hot sun looks like on a hazy, hot and humid day, sinking behind Aquidneck Island. These colors are the only thing I like about the heat. I'm a fan/a/c girl. Heat = misery to me. I'd rather be cold - I can always add layers!
I really like the sun in this. I used Cad. Red light with a bit of Titanium White, THEN I added Gamblin's Radiant Magenta to the outer edge. I like the water. I don't know if I need the information about the house, the trees and the road on the land section. Hmmm...
I've been working like a fiend in the studio. Loving every minute of it. I've discovered if I get over there early I can get a good number of hours worth of work before the heat is totally unbearable. It's mostly because I have a flat, black roof directly over me, and the temp inside is hotter than it is outside! My studio assistant, below, likes to get out before the high temps, too!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Borning Room, 8x10 inches, oil
This is from a rainy day on my recent Maine painting trip. You may have seen Sally Dean's version, we were both drawn to the pale light as the sky decided whether or not to be done with the rain! I'm no Connie Hayes, but I do love doing interiors! The first year I stayed in Maine with this group I opted to sleep in this room, the Borning Room, off the dining room. Old poster bed, chenille bedspread, rocker with woven chair pad.... what's not to love? This study took about an hour. We were all in different rooms working away, with a nice banter/singing going back and forth... real camaraderie. No cell or internet for 7 days. It re-set MY clock, I'll tell you!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Independence Day Lobster, 6x6 Inches, Original Acrylic Painting
I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! While we were all happily celebrating the birth of our country, this lobster and 2 of his friends were steaming, literally. At the end of the day my husband and Paco and I sat on the front porch and watched nine - count 'em - NINE fireworks displays. Paco was a real trooper, except when (not in the 9) our neighbor 2 doors down started his own display - right over the road (a few drivers freaked a bit). Then neighbors 3 houses behind us on the hill started theirs - and it truly felt like we were being bombed! One of my cats got out and I was extremely worried he would just run and run into the woods, but I did get him in.
I had such fun with this lobster! I don't eat them, I just paint them. He sat on a platter suspended over an ice-filled roasting dish, staying cool, as he will be lobster salad on Friday! And no clam paintings (sorry, Frank!) because Tim threw them ALL into the pot before I could snatch some! Anyway, this is technically Mixed Media because I accidently mixed some white oil paint in the turquoise
paint for the platter!!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
1 Cosmo, 2 Cosmo, 3 Cosmo... Floor! 9x12 inch Acrylic painting
This painting will be at the Art Stable Gallery next week!
In Maine last week, I made Cosmos for my painter friends! I'd done a LOT of research into how to make the BEST, and I've decided to share with all of you -kind of like I'm making one for you, OK? Here goes:
- Chill the glass, the vodka and the shaker in the freezer
- crack about 3-4 ice cubes (don't have a fridge that does this? me either - I use a rolling pin and a zip lock bag!)
- 1 jigger of Cointreau (no substitutions)
- 1 jigger of chilled cranberry juice cocktail
- 2 jiggers of Absolute (Citron is ok, but plain is just fine)
- 1/2 a lime, plus a slice
Crack the ice, get the shaker out of the freezer, and put ice in. Add the Cointreau, juice, and vodka - shake vigorously 10 times.
NOW get the glass out of the fridge. Squeeze the 1/2 lime into the glass, and strain the mix into the glass - toss in a sliver of lime - and enjoy immediately! Cold is the key. One drink at a time - leave the glasses in the freezer till it's 'their' time! ENJOY!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Lost Buoys, 4x4 Inches, Oil
These Maine paintings are Not For Sale, because I keep them as a visual record of my painting trips. On the back I try to note the month, year and location. I need to start adding the other artists that I am with. You never know when someone will get famous :)
On a path behind the farmhouse we stayed at there was a sign that said "Free Buoys" with a small pile of 'found' buoys - those that somehow get free of their tethers and float to shore for the beach walkers to find. My friend Sally Dean picked these three (and gave me the blue and yellow one) to take home, plus one orange and white one. I had a heck of a time painting the fluorescent orange - if any of you know the color recipe for that, I'm all ears.
*this is my favorite painting from the trip*
So... in addition to the 3 pair of earrings, 2 art books and the buoy, my 'souvenirs' included smooth beach rocks for my garden. Soon: The photo of my Cosmos's and the recipe!
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