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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

These Boots Are Made For ... Running! 4x4 Inches, Oil

$65 & $10 S&H

I saw these boots in Santa Fe about 4 years ago.  I don't know why I hesitated, and then left without them (probably the sticker shock).  But I when I saw them something inside me went "YEAAAAAH!"  And when that happens, I have learned to go with it.  So this Fall I am headed out to Santa Fe again, and if I see them.... they will be mine!  If you encounter something that speaks to you (a pair of boots, a cream colored kitten, a piece of pottery...) you should grab it and run.

I have a pair of boots (blue.. from Arizona) and they, honestly, are among the most comfortable shoes I own.  And when you wear them, you get a little lilt in your step.  Definitely worth it.  I think every woman should own what I call 'running boots' (as opposed to 'flying' boots, I guess, 'cause that's how they make you feel!).

On another note, I'm having high anxiety that my Opening Friday night will be devoid of friendly faces that I know!  OH!  When does THIS fear end?  Seriously, there will be fabulous Blackberry Lemonade Cocktails, fabulous food, and very interesting art to look at.  I'm in with a good group....


  1. Gorgeous boots! The colors are amazing!
    Will they fit me?

  2. Love those boots! Kelly,I'd be there but we have to take Livi to the airport :-/

  3. LOL, I hate to be cynical but people usually come for the food and wine! Hope you get lots of lovely sales too.

  4. Great advice and oh so fabulous boots!

  5. Love the boots! They say, "I treated myself right!"

  6. Love these boots! The pop of color is just perfect. I hope you find them this year!

  7. since I'm going to be there w/ you, Ill help you find these gals!! The painting, and boots, say it all about you!

  8. Wonderful. This painting reads beautifully even in the small tile on FB. Hoping you return with them.

  9. I once read in a book that if you let something really good slip through your fingers that you spend the rest of your life hoping to find it again--hope this is not the case with you and they are sitting in a store right now waiting for you to find them. Good luck with the show. Know it will be great!!!

  10. I want these boots... colors are fabulous !

  11. These boots are amazing! And your depiction of them really works..the touches of orange (cadmium red light?) and the thick turqoise markings really stand out. Great painting.
    I don't think the anxiety ever ends...its just part of the fun :)

  12. love the boots. Great advice! Here's hoping your show goes great! I'm sure it will. Great artist - Great show. They go together. Have fun. Breathe!

  13. Kelley, These boots just look like you! I know that you'll find some just like these or nicer! Best wishes for a fun Friday night! Love the painting!

  14. This is absolutely fabulous. Just love the subject and the colors. Wonderful. xoxo


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