
Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh, Happy Day!!!, 12x12 Inches, Oil Painting

This painting is so joyful!  I feel the little boy dancing in the sand on the first day of vacation.  I love his red hair!  This painting will be included in my paintings at the Art Stable Gallery, which opens May 26 (more on that later - I really MUST start my Newsletter, there's so much going on!).

I painted him using techniques I learned in Karin Jurick's workshop last November.  So I have featured this little guy on my 'ad' for my figure workshop, which is a one-day workshop, next Monday, the 21st, at my studio.  You should come.  I do a demo, then we paint, and then I feed everyone a home made lunch. We laugh, (some of us might shed a tear), we bond, and the creativity and talent that is unleashed in absolutely amazing.  I probably talk a little about blogging, since I can't seem to help myself, but everybody takes home at least one painting they L*O*V*E.  Info is on my 'Page' at the top of the blog.  But feel free to email me for info.


  1. Une peinture pleine de vie et de mouvement...
    Gros bisous

  2. I love seeing this sneak peek for the upcoming show. This painting is absolutely joyful, you definitely captured the mood.

  3. I was instantly reminded of my grandson, who also has red hair (though a bit darker), both in this little guy's shape and happiness. Awesome work, Kelley!

    My vow to myself this year is that I get to do one workshop sometime between October 9th and year end (I will have one week of vacation at that point). I'll just have to see what is available in that time frame from all the bloggers out there.

  4. I love this joyful little boy! How fun! You captured the moment perfectly. The orange shorts and red hair are priceless!

  5. What a cunning painting. His joy shines through. I am currently painting my grandsons on the beach. Wish I were close enough for your help.

  6. I love that feeling of reaching for the sky! Dancing in our on little world. You captured that feeling and reminded us not to forget the joy. Great Thanks, loved seeing you with the paint group at SSI. What fun

  7. Joyful and Oh Happy Day all captured in this one wonderful painting! Congrats on all the good things happening. Your one day sounds like heaven!

  8. Glorious painting Kelley!!! Love the little boy and I am so envious you were able to attend a Jurick workshop!

  9. Everyone who sees this, can't help but break into a happy dance Kelley - infectious!
    (personally I think he just ate a big fat jelly donut and is so excited!)

  10. He does look happy! Great painting!

  11. perfect... really, I just love this happy kid on the beach, both as a mother of sons and as a painter! Terrific!

  12. What a hsppy painting! Just love the feeling it brings just sitting here looking at it!

  13. wow, when I first look at the oil painting, I revived a scene in my mind that last year, played at the beach with friend, the great view and fresh air made me impressed, great painting, thank you!


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