
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Island Cottage, 6x8 Inches, Plein Air Oil Painting


I just got back from a week on St. Simons Island, GA, with a wonderful group of friends/artists.  Restorative.  Relaxing.  Rejuvenating. 
My goal on this trip was definitely not to see how many plein air paintings I could come home with.  I've done that on painting trips and come home exhausted.  No... this time I tried to absorb the feel of the place, take a lot of photos, do some sketching and come home with at least 2 (and I got 3) paintings.  A couple of wipe-offs are to be expected.  Talking far into the night with amazing and huge hearted artists from all over the country.  Below is a happy moment after we all learned how to hit a golf ball (more or less) from Pro Kathy Cousart.

Left to right:

That's us.  The Gaggle of Artists.


  1. Love the shadows and colors...but most of all I love that you were able to spend time with some special friends and celebrate art!

  2. Une belle petite troupe !!! Des moments sans aucun doute magnifiques !...
    Une jolie petite maison bleue pour faire de beaux rêves.
    Gros bisous

  3. Oh to have a group of girlfriends and artists like this would be so wonderful. It looks like you all had a blast! A lovely and tranquil little house you've painted. I could so live there!

  4. Love your island cottage- those shadows on the side are wonderful. So is the way you painted those gorgeous trees that the cottage was nestled up in. It was such an amazing week of fun and fellowship and I was so glad to be a part of it. Also glad for you to see my favorite place! Miss ya-XO!

  5. How great you are part of such a distinguished grouop of artists!

  6. Just wonderful! I am so glad you had such a well deserved retreat with those amazing women.

  7. Distinguished indeed. Glad you really relaxed Kelley and absorbed art exchange with the other fab artists

  8. Love your little cottage! Glad that everyone had such a wonderful week!! A time to treasure, for sure!!

  9. Looks like a great time!! Love the painting!!

  10. Love this dear cottage painting. So many places like this are torn down and McMansions built in their place. Glad you have this fond memory of days gone by and a wonderful week-end with good friends.

  11. What a great getway! Everyone looks so happy! Thanks so much for sharing. The painting is wonderful, and looks like the perfect beach retreat!!

  12. Love your cottage! I'm probably not going to say this like I think it, but it's like just one stroke alone makes a huge impact! I love that! I want to do that! I wish I could have been with y'all, I know you had fun! Guess what I'm about to do? I'm headed up to my studio and I actually have a couple of things I'm looking forward to painting! AH! That was me screaming with excitement!

  13. Love your painting Kelley and it sounds like a wonderful trip!


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