
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Queen Of The Ball, 5x7 Inches, Oil Painting

I ran across a photo of my Mom from the 60's, when she was attending the Policeman's Ball with my Dad. My Dad, in the photos always seemed to be either posing for a mug shot or searching the ceiling for dust motes.  My mom, however, was in her glory.  For example she started 'tanning' by laying in depressions in the dunes at the beach in March (yes, we are in New England, but there was no such thing as a tanning salon in the 60's)... she drove all the way to Providence from Fall River (kind of unheard of then...) to shop for a dress like something she'd seen in Vogue.  She saved for months to have a hairdresser come to our apartment the afternoon of the Ball.
She was the Queen of the Ball to us kids, and to Dad, too.
You were so glamorous, Mom....


  1. How cute is that,?!! She's a doll and you've captured the ballroom glitz for sure :)

  2. Great memory, Kelley. You really captured her glamour. Lovely.

  3. So sweet! Love the painting and the sentiment.

  4. She looks like Audrey Hepburn :o) A beautiful painting of a beautiful woman. Best regards from Germany Schweinchen Schlau

  5. This is a most gorgeous painting, Kelley. I love how you've handled the rest of the crowd and your mom looks beautiful.

  6. Love this. Really pretty and very special. Love reading about your mom;). Wonderful job on her and just perfect on the crowd behind her. Kelley this is a gem!

  7. Love the handling of the background figures; tone, mood, and suggested brushwork compliments the foreground figure beautifully! What a beautiful painting of your elegant Mother, Kelley!

  8. Love this painting and the sentiment that goes with it! What a glamorous dress and her pose is so elegant really captured the mood.

  9. I want to be in your family and your past..It is so sweet and so loving and respectful. This is wonderful Kelley

  10. I love the vintage quality of this one-very sweet!

  11. Love the the story. What a great lady. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  12. What a wonderful story. She sounds fabulous. xoxo

  13. This is a classic. I love it. A wonderful story. Reminds me of my mom long ago. Lovely painting Kelley. You really captured the on lookers and your mom is such a star.

  14. I enjoyed reading the story as well seeing the painting. At first, I thought that you painted a picture of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. I do not know what you think of the Kennedys, but there are things that I admired about them - especially Jackie with her elegance and style. Your story and painting does depict your mother as the lady who has "style".

  15. Gorgeous painting and a gorgeous dress!

  16. I love this, Kelley, the story and the painting. I bet your mom was gorgeous that night! You really captured the quality of a fond memory with this ... it has a real dreamy feel to me. Beautiful!

  17. She reminds me of me and the things I used to do. I always had a tan before anyone else. I would get up in the corner of the house where the wind wouldn't hit me. Your mom and I would have been best friends. She really is a beautiful lady, and you have captured the essence of the mood perfectly.

  18. I love this - she was a beauty! XOOX


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