
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gulls II 6x12 inch Oil on Canvas

 These gulls are a little different from the breed we have here in NE.  I hope you're all enjoying the Spring weather!


  1. Ce petit groupe de mouette est si ravissant... j'aime beaucoup vos bleus et la texture.
    Gros bisous

  2. Beautiful, Kelley. I love how you've handled the gull reflections and the gorgeous blue sky reflected in the water.

    I was going to say that I didn't know you lived in Nebraska, found it odd that I didn't know that, then realized NE meant New England to you. LOLOL

  3. Looks like a Hilton Head Gang to me! love it!

  4. I saw this on your fb page. glad to see it larger. looks super.

  5. Would you believe Ray drove around these guys in a parking lot as we were leaving Pensacola, FL yesterday. Great painting!!!


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