
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random Mug, 6x6 inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

The mugshot was painted as a demo for class last week.  Karin Jurick says people tend to forget how red skin can look - so I tried to bear that in mind.  I enjoyed keeping the brushwork strong, and just exploring the planes of the face.
Now.  Go have a nice Thanksgiving with your families.  Rest.  Try not to get caught up too much in the whole Black Friday stuff.  Enjoy!


  1. Nice job...Love the looseness of it and the dreds.

  2. Nice Kelley..........and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I've never done the Black Friday thing, not necessary in my book.

  3. I avoid Black Friday like the Black Death err the Plague. (: Heehee. Your brushwork Random Mugg is very expressive! Happy TG to your and your's.

  4. Your random mug is awesome, Kelley!! Great job on the dredlocks!


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