
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bismark, 6x6 Inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

Have you ever had a Bismark?  Light fluffy donut filled with whipped cream and jelly -!  Well I stumbled into a Dunkin Donuts last week, and they not only decorated their own pastries, but they created this one!  I just had to paint it.  If one more sells at the Providence Art Club I will pull this one off the blog (for sale) and put it there.  The two paintings that have sold there so far are jelly donut paintings!  This one just flowed off the brush - don't you just love it when that happens?

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving.  Ours was quiet but wonderful.  One week from today (Friday) the Girls Just Wanna Paint group will be having our Opening:
And I'm making my (almost) famous sweet and sour meatballs... tiny, tender...oh, so worth it...  Come see us!


  1. mmmmm....looks good enough to eat! wonderful job.

  2. Wow! Just sat down from a full meal and craving that sweet and here this Bismark comes:) Fantastic!! Love the colors and the whippy cream- YUM!!

  3. I'm just having corn flakes for breakfast - looking at you're great painting makes me wish for a Donut instead....

  4. Firstly, yum! I love the ooziness!(of paint and cream filling and jam!) Secondly, I love all the many colours you have used for the doughnut.

  5. I've heard of the sinking of the Bismark (an old Naval ship I suppose) but not the eating of one. Looks decadent! Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving Day treat.

  6. Yum! Congratulations on selling your paintings! I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. Ooh this looks scrumpdeliumptious! And that mug below is amazing. Beautiful work, Kelley!

  8. The Best Donut Yet!- It's Beautiful!

  9. OMG! This may be your very best donut painting yet! Love, love, love it!

  10. Yummy!!! Beautiful and oh so tempting!!! Wonderful to see first thing in the morning. My waist line is glad it is a digital image otherwise it would be GONE!. xoxo

  11. Just the photo of the painting will put 5lbs on you! It makes me hungry and I just finished dinner.

  12. Good grief that bismark looks good!!!

  13. This is one fab donut. I can really almost taste it. Almost. Now my monitor is wet > : I


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