
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oldie But Goodie

This is an old painting, long gone to a new home, of a Dunkin Iced Coffee.  The Donut War continues, as Susan Roden pumps up Starbucks (from New Mexico - I think we're playing 'where in the world is Susan...)... and I took a couple of days hiding in a foxhole of Dunkin Donuts,  recuperating from 2 incredible weeks.  When I think of it, I spent over 40 hours driving, had 5 days where I was 'going' for 12 or more hours a day, and landed home to a high intensity week of prepping for 2 holiday shows.  So, my plan was to spend a day this weekend in my bathrobe.  Well, that never happened, but it was a good weekend nonetheless!
Thank you all who went to the North River Show - they had a great turn out!  I am very happy.   
I have a new fun thing going on that I hope to share with you tomorrow!


  1. Hi Kelley, Glad you've had a chance to slow down and smell the donuts. This is a great painting- I just love iced coffee, which is gaining in popularity here in the south, but will never overtake ice tea! Can't wait to see what you do next. Hugs!

  2. Fay, when I was in SC a couple of weeks ago I tried the sweet tea - it almost made my teeth hurt, and I'm a 'sweet' fan! But a friend told me to order it 1/3 - 2/3 next time - and I will, because I LOVE iced tea. Up north, winter or summer, you'll see people driving and walking with their Dunkin Iced, though....

  3. Reading about your whirlwind makes me tired and just think the holidays have not even started yet. I like the perspective you chose on the cup, makes it more interesting. Oh and Kelley---breathe!

  4. Well, such a busy lady. But, I bet it feels oh so good. I hope you had a "box of Joe" to get you through that day off.

  5. ENERGY PLUS..You are amazing...think bathrobe

  6. Love the iced coffee...looks like I could reach right in and take a sip! I so wish I could go to your show...I am hunkered in here at home for a while. Painting, painting, painting!

  7. I NEED that iced coffee! I need it NOW! Looks yummy and I understand about that bathrobe. I slept late this morning with no guilt ..... ok, I never have guilt. :-)

    Go to the studio for tomorrow's surprise!! Can't wait!

  8. This painting suits my mood today--an oldie but goodie. Love it!!!

  9. You really put the pedal
    To the metal. You're on fire!!
    Love your painting !

  10. Wow! Keep up the good work, painting in your robe. Love the iced coffee.

  11. Kelley this is looking mighty tasty DD girl. Always love to see that logo signature of yours. I know you have a good story about that. Right?

  12. Everyone - THANK you! Enjoy your dose of iced coffee for today!

    Karen, yes, of course there is a 'story' behind the 'chop'! I sent the nuns into contortions of despair with my handwriting! It's loopy, difficult to read, and never the same. Even I look at old writings of mine and can't read them!!!

  13. I love the way you painted the shine on that cup! I don't even like coffee but you make it look yummy. :) And now I can't wait to hear about the new fun thing!


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