
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gull At The Beach, 6x6 Inches, Oil

This painting was pure joy to paint!  I painted on a black background, I used gridding to make sure the proportions of the gull were accurate.  I used more than my usual limited palette, to enhance the gorgeous color of the water in the background.  In other words, I had FUN!
A note about the 'surprise' I'm working on - I wiped it off twice - TWICE - today!  Not going to be defeated but will continue till it is good.. and will show you then..


  1. Love the composition and placement on this one Kelley. This gull has personality. Jonathan Livingston seagull? Do you remember that book?

  2. This looks great! Love the colors. Looking forward to the one you are working on;)

  3. Love your seagull! Your blues are beautiful (as always!). I wonder what he is looking at. Probably another gang member (incognito, of course!) taking his picture from another angle. :-D

  4. You really nailed the way gulls stare at something. I thinks he's eyeing someone's beach bag so he can steal a snack when they go in the water!

  5. I just love the clean simplicity of this piece and especially that meld of blue and green on the horizon line!

  6. Love Gull at the Beach- wonderful painting. The brushwork on him is fabulous and his colors are gorgeous. I like that he is looking so seriously and makes you wonder at what?
    Look forward to seeing your upcoming 'surprise':)

  7. This is great Kelley. Very simple yet you captured that "puffed up" look those guys always seem to have! And the water is terrific.

  8. Love this little guy. You must have used a are so inspiring in that you have such interesting , varied subjects

  9. This is so cool- I could see a whole row of them!

  10. Kelley, so simple and so elegant! I love this little gem!

  11. Had to come back and comment on the fabulous new look of your blog! Very clean and fresh! Great job!!

  12. So pure, so crisp, so clean - Love it!

  13. Love this little guy. Great colors!


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