
Friday, November 18, 2011

Mugshot #1, 6x6 Inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

"On October 31st, 2011, disaster struck the tiny island of Hilton Head, South Carolina. Twenty-one notorious characters descended upon Hilton Head and went wild shooting everything in sight.

The purpose of this challenge is to reveal the identities of the Hilton Head Gang by painting their portraits. The first mug to be painted is the leader of this notorious gang - Karin 'Quickdraw' Jurick . Karin can visit a beach and shoot everyone in sight before they even know she is there. Her covert activity is known worldwide."

~ Maria Hock, artist and member of the Hilton Head Gang
The 'mug' above, is Karin.  She is believed to be somewhat armed, in that she has a camera always, and dangerous, well, just because we say so.   
Other HHG members coming, once a week.... till they are all caught....

In other news... today in class we did a 'limited stroke' exercise.  Only using 25 strokes, we challenged ourselves to 1) really think before we put down a stroke, and 2) as Peggi Kroll Roberts advises, 'Paint like a millionaire' and loosen up, using a good amount of paint on your brush.  Here's mine (and accuracy was sacrificed for this exercise!
Then we painted mugshots.  Here's JoAnn's excellent work.
*Saturday Nov. 19th is my baby Molly's 27th birthday!  Happy Birthday sweetheart!*


  1. Of course I love the mug shot! the limited stroke exercise must have been a challenge. I don't know if I could do that...I should try it though.

    And Happy Birthday Molly!

  2. Great job, Kelley!! Our fearless leader has her mug all over the internet!

    Good exercise, too. I don't think I've limited myself to a specific number, but have put down one stroke, leave it, and continue counting each stroke. I'll have to give your exercise a try.

    Happy Birthday, Molly!! 27 years old!! It seems like yesterday when you were just a baby! I know, you have no idea who I am. But, I am a mother and all mothers feel like that. Enjoy your day!

  3. I really like the limited stroke coffee cup! I think that would be so difficult. I'm a thousand-stroke painter.

  4. Happy birthday, Molly!

    Love the mugshot; the touches of orange in the irises is brilliant! Lovely lovely, Kelley!

  5. Marvelous mugshot! So fun to see all of the mugs of KJ popping up. Love seeing the limited stroke for your students. Lucky them and that is a great teaching tool. And, Happy Birthday to your Molly!!

  6. Happy Birthday Molly and great stuff Kelly!

  7. Kelley, my favorite is the limited stroke exercise! I love that painting, so simple and bold, and great colors too! Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!


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