
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Flower Power Donut, 6x6 Inches, Oil Painting

Seriously, I had every intention of offering this for sale, but I was just notified that another of my little paintings at the Providence Art Club sold, and I have to bring it in to fill up the wall.  I dare you, go ahead and keep buying the donut and cocktail paintings in this Holiday Show, and I will keep up with you and paint new ones to fill in! :D
This is, as you are all aware, Donut War Day!  Take the flower power donut I bought today, and try to KEEP from eating it, Susan Roden!  Talk about your oooey, gooey!  There is NO defense... you just have to lick the vanilla and chocolate!

Nowwwwww... about that 'Smiley' Auction, ... it is active, and you would go HERE to bid on it!  The auction is for one week.  I hope to post another Smile soon.  I'm painting as fast as I can!  I can think of a million reasons to be thankful this week, but one, for sure, is the support of all you guys who MAKE MY DAY by commenting, following, and subscribing.  I'm going to do something nice for you - refining it.. and will post it on Thanksgiving.


  1. So happy you are selling...not surprised. Your donuts look good enough to eat and your smiles make know. Gotta go to sleep now. Have to paint a mug tomorrow. ;)

  2. Dang, that donut would go so well with my coffee right about now!!

  3. Flower Power is fabulous! Love the swirl with highlights on the opposite color icing- yum! Yay on needing to take to PAC because another sold. Smile!- Lots of good going on! Love the series of smiles! Perfect:)

  4. Congrats on the sales! Love the orangy doughnut colors against the yummy looking frosting. Great job with Karin's mug too!
    Happy T Day!

  5. Love the flower power donut! And I'm happy you're having so much success with the sale. :) I, unfortunately am more of a cupcake girl than a donut girl, but still I would find this hard to resist. :D

  6. Flower Power is sure to sell too Kelley, who could resist? Congrats on it all!

  7. congratulations on the sales! outstanding work as always my friend!

  8. Congratulations on all your sales, great news1 Beautiful donut,as per usual!

  9. Splat! And so funny Kelley! I was going to name my cupcake today - Flower Power #3 - no lie. We're onto the same, ooey, gooey path here . . . smack.

    And it's a good one!

  10. Yeah! a sale good for you. this really does look good enough to eat. The smiles have it!! Those are so fun. Keeping smiling my dear.

  11. Fancy donut! It needs to be here.

    Congratulations on your sales!! Well deserved, most talented artist! :-)

  12. Love this donut as much as the jelly ones. Love the lights you painted here. I can't type anymore, I'm drooling all over my keyboard!


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