
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Peaceful Garden, 8x8 Inches, Oil Painting of Linden Place Garden

Today the Painting Safari was held at Linden Place in Bristol, RI.  (Our last one of the Summer!)  This lovely mansion is now a museum, and you can take a tour as well as walk the beautiful grounds.  Of all the places and things I could paint, I was drawn to this small garden area, with the beautiful green hydrangeas and pink lilies, not to mention the fabulous red, white and blue buntings.  Behind the fence was a sort of barn - it looked too lovely to actually house livestock, perhaps it was a carriage house.  When all the architecture is white, you have to squint down and look hard for color bouncing from all over, to make the white *delicious*.
A further upside to todays' effort was while I was about 2/3 done a beautiful pug wandered out from some door I couldn't see in the garden area.  I was in heaven, as I was missing Paco (I didn't think he'd be welcome there)!  And then... I kid you not, a beautiful orange tabby cat strolled out from the same area!  I met their owner, and we gushed about pug-love - she even has ANOTHER pug!  
Anyway, this painting was one of those that just kind of falls together - with a lot of measuring and squinting! :D


  1. I love little corners like this and I know what you mean about the squinting!!!! So nicely done!

  2. Really love this one although could have been called "Pug Full" garden:) That is too funny! And a cat...Really love the soft green hydrangeas and all the red, white and blue make it just pull together. I know the safaris have been a blast and I am sorry to see them end. Wonderful painting Kelley!

  3. This is fabulous and so summery. Delightful setting. Might want to enlarge this one too! :)

  4. You are right this really did come together nicely, I love when that happens. What an adorable subject matter from a fun perspective. How fun a pug sighting. It was an omen.

  5. I love this place been there also and I think you captured its spirit beautifully!
    Happy puggy kitty day for you too...

  6. This is wonderfully painted in every way. I especially love the green hydrangeas--so soft and relaxed looking. And love, love, love hearing about the pug/pugs.

  7. This is really special! I love everything about it!! Beautiful job!

  8. I really like the atmosphere in this one! Great job on all the architectural details. You kept it soft and very appealing. It is a peaceful garden.


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