
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Torn Jelly Donut, 6x6 Inches, Acrylic

It's Monday! and that means a new battle in the Donut War with Susan Roden!  Truly, this casualty was quite accidental!  I was headed to the set up with my new painting lamp, and a nice, plump jelly donut.....  the next thing I knew only half of it was remaining, and it was oooozing jelly!  What's a painter to do?
I plopped that baby under the new light and used acrylics this time - the same, but different...  It's a hot day, and I had a fan on me (had to wrestle my way in front of it - Paco and Harry the Orange Cat both felt THEY should have the fan... ) and the acrylics dried so fast!
I'm starting some paintings for a show in Dedham in September - so you will probably see them in the coming weeks.
Hey - it's August - how'd that happen???


  1. How do you get the jelly so shiny using acrylics--it is awesome. The kitty looks so comfy and relazed--great rendition. And yes, it is Aug. It just moved right on in with no warning except for the heat..

  2. Well Kelley, this one looks like it is daring you to pick it up and finish it off. That jelly looks like a tongue to me, "nah." Quite the tease, those jelly donuts.

  3. You really captured the powdery look on the outside of the doughnut and the jelly is spot on. You know your doughnuts girl!
    The photos I am working from for my beach series were taken on the beach close to U Mass. Think that is South?? Pretty sure the ladies were European.

  4. That is one mouthwatering donut. I want it! No I mean I REALLY want it!

  5. downright sensuous jelly blob!!! ooo, it's just amazing...and the powder!! one or your best kelley!

  6. I enjoy the doughnut. I agree that the dusted, powdered sugar texture is nice, as is the shine on the jelly. Food paintings are the BEST.

  7. I really enjoy the doughnut painting, kelley. I agree that the dusted, powdered sugar and jelly textures look great. Good job in capturing those! Food paintings are the BEST.

  8. Another great donut painting. Happy it sold. I love the nebulous comment of
    "something happened" on the way to paint the donut. Not calling you out but I suspect that you might have a bit of jelly on your chin.

  9. Thanks you guys!!! Kell, I'm not admitting anything. ANYTHING.

  10. Kelley wow another tempting donut! A new paintiing light?..aimed for your canvas or for the donut?
    And Kenny look forward to seeing you paint those adorable toes of jealousy on the part of the orange cat?

  11. Be still my heart, this is exactly how I like to see a jelly donut...great job as always Kelley!

  12. This is just too much! I am drooling! What a great job you have done on this tempting, oozing jelly. Love your donuts, Kelley!


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