
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wrap Up Of Atlanta Workshop

This was my attempt in Leslie Saeta's Workshop class to do a painting strictly with a palette knife.  Success, failure - whatever.. I learned a few tips on how to wield one of those knives.  Maybe I won't change from brushes to palette knives, but I do view them differently - as a tool that you need to develop a skill with to use effectively.  And even using brushes for most of the painting does not mean that the knife cannot come in really handy at the end.
And below, we had a really fun exercise in class on the 3rd day... we got a photo, and started the painting - and listening to the Black Eyed Peas we switched easels and just had to take what was in front of us and make headway on that painting till we were told to move to the next easel.  Eventually we ended up at our own easels - and below, this is the result on my easel. 
 It was fun. I feel like I tried new things, I loosened up, I got some fabulous tips on blogging/marketing/social networking.  Leslie and Dreama are very generous, open and fun.  I bought an Artists Helping Artists Painting Apron and Dreama's book "The Artist's Toolbox" on marketing tips.


  1. I like the pink boat reflected all over the water! and just a palette knife? wow!

  2. Monet? or is it Ms. Monet? That first one is just divine and your color palette is to be envied... I think that you have found in yourself another voice... love it.


  3. Wonderful paintings- you created some beautiful pieces at the workshop. Fun times:) It was really good to learn to how to use a palette knife to add to paintings and create interest. Your reflections are really nice! I miss everyone and am still assimilating ALL that I learned:)
    Take care!

  4. I love the thick juicy paint! What a great workshop.
    You never stop do you- you are fantastic!

  5. Always great to work out of your comfort zone now and then. Grat painting of the boats...

  6. Palette knife works wonderfully for you-love this

  7. Yes, Kelley I agree with Helga this is fabulous, who knew you were so good with the knife. I'm not just blowing smoke up your- you know what. The colors are awesome.

  8. Thank you everyone! You are SOOOOOO kind! And Amy, where do you think that saying came from, anyway?

  9. Kelley - I love your knife work! And you've got a lot of interesting colours there. Beautiful!

  10. Thanks for showing us the pieces from the workshop. I love all the creamy thick palette knife work on your boats, yummy looking.

  11. OMG - It is FABULOUS!!! You've got to do more. Striking knife work lends itself to water I think. And your colors here are striking too. I love it and hope you do more!!!

  12. Wow, Kelly! You swung that knife really well! Really like the way you knifed the reflections in the water!

  13. Fabu indeed, I love the palette in your palette knife painting!

  14. These came out great. What fun it must have been to do a workshop with Leslie and Dreama!

  15. Kelley
    Love love love these. The musical easels exercise was a blast and yes we learned a lot from the palette police! More paint needed on your palette if you are going to yield that knife and yours looks so juicy.

  16. I love that you used pastel colors--so refreshing. And your reflections are super.

  17. The paintings are great! In particular I love the boat painting...very pretty! Great color!

  18. That must have been a fun workshop--they sound like a lot of fun on their podcasts. I love both of these.


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