
Monday, February 21, 2011

North River Members' Show 2011

What the Juror, Joseph McGurl, said upon bestowing an Award Of Excellence:

"Lively brushwork is interesting to look at in its own right.  Great color choices.  Nice, careful observation"

Honestly, I am thrilled.  It is my very first award at North River, where I have been a member for most of   20+ years.  Not that I can bring myself to believe what he said, being 1/2 Irish.  But since I had my sons over for dinner that night, I couldn't make the Opening, and found out about my prize via Facebook.  So you won't hear ME slamming Facebook!  I also got the hours the show was open via FB, as it wasn't readily evident (to me, anyway) on the website. 
So my friend (and fellow award recipient) Jody Regan was kind enough to re-enact the Awards Ceremony, and I had my Sally Field moment:
I do want to thank all of your who share my artistic journey, which is so very important to me, by reading, following, subscribing to and commenting on this blog.  I never knew when I started it 4 years ago how much of an impact it would have on my art career, my friendships and... really, my life!
Muchos gracias...


  1. Congratulations, Kelley! It is a lovely painting and the award is well deserved. Get over your Irish inclination to disbelieve and accept with grace that you paint well!

  2. Yeah! Congratulations on your "Award of Excellence" for the excellent painting!!

  3. Kelley,
    How awesome. Kelley the juror Joseph McGurl description is so right on. Love the colors and ha ha nice that the ribbon color goes with the painting!
    Soo happy for you.. well deserved.

  4. Woohoo!!!! Congratulations Kelley!!!! May this be followed by many MANY more!

  5. Congratulations Kelley, I feel elated for you. A well deserved accolade!

  6. Congratulations. Remember that painting well. Love your re enactment. Where is your tierra and sash?

  7. Wow!! Kelley, you are a superstar!
    A well deserved congratulations to you! This is a stunning painting. I love the colors, the simplicity, and the elegant frame! This painting has it all, and it's all perfect!!
    Thank you for being an inspiration for all of your admirers!

  8. Kelley, I loved our ad hoc award ceremony! Nice photo! And, the painting is terrific; award well-deserved.

  9. What a fabulous award and so deserved! Congratulations, and enjoy your fame...


  10. Yippee! Yeah!
    Now ... go post this wonderful achievement on your website ... (I know, I never let up ...).

  11. Well done, Kelley. Loved that painting. Smart judge!

  12. Well of course they did a reenactment for you!! Yay and so proud for you! I say you get the award of excellent everyyyyyything:)

  13. And well-deserved!! Congratulations Kelley! It is a fantastic piece.

  14. Fabulous and such a wise judge. Congrats!

  15. Kelley...congratulations and so well deserved.

  16. Congrats! Love the painting and the ribbon looks wonderful on it!

  17. that's great! that hard looking is what it is all about!

  18. Wow! That's a beautiful ribbon that matches the painting! All your hard work and dedication is paying off. You Rock!!

  19. Your love of life comes out in your painting and in your blog. I'm late, but want to wish you very well-deserved congratulations!

  20. Congrats, Kelley and well deserved. I haven't seen the show yet, but will get there this week.

  21. Congratulations, Kelley! As my husband tells me "Validation is a good thing".

  22. Believe it and believe in yourself, he was right , congrats, Sandra Baggette

  23. WOW - congratulations!! Love the ribbon on this painting. And the juror nailed it. As did you. Also lovet his one framed and the way you picked up the gold. Very lovely.

  24. Conratulations! Wonderful work...and well deserved award!

  25. Congrats Kelley..You are a true star and inspiration for all..nice painting too

  26. You deserve many many more accolades.
    Your work is wonderful.

  27. Oh Gosh I don't think there is anymore room here for well wishers, he he. This painting is so cool and I remember it well from the day you posted it. It is an award winner, you are on a roll woman I can feel it.

  28. You are an inspiration~You never give up and I LOVE THIS PAINTING~I am sooooo happy for you! This recognition is well deserved!
    Cheers xo P

  29. Congratulations, Kelley!!!! That's awesome!! So cute that your re-enacted your acceptance, that's something I would do:) I'm so glad I got to meet you, makes me even more excited for you!

  30. Congratulations!!! And please stop doubting your amazing abilities? Wish I had known the show was happening. Was in the neighbourhood on Sunday.

  31. Kelley, Congratulations on the award! Your work is amazing!!

  32. Congratulations Kelley! Nice award. Joe McGurl knows a good painting when he sees it!

  33. Kudos to you! What a nice comment from the judge.

    I love reading your blog and seeing your wonderful paintings.

  34. How did I miss this?!! So sorry!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your grin says it all!! Well deserved! :-)

  35. CONGRATULATIONS!!! sorry i'm late to the party, but wonderful and i love your grin!!!


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