
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Three Werthers, 6x6 Inch Original Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

Here we are again, with the butterscotch candies!  I just felt like I needed to remind myself about the reflective qualities of metallic gold.  Also, I love these candies!

Below is the demo for the 1st class of this 'term' in my studio.  We have a couple of students who have never painted before, so it's all new to them.  I like to do demos because sometimes it's the smallest thing, like how to scoop up paint on a flat brush, or how to lay down a layer of paint over another without smearing it through, that makes an impact.  I'm hopeful that what they take away from the class is the love of painting, and the desire to always learn more!


  1. Yummy candies and lucky students. These colors are gorgeous- wrappers are amazing. I like what you said about your teaching and it can be the smallest thing- like brushstroke, laying down colors, good to see how successful artists do things and then make it your own style from there.

  2. Looks good! Love the little demo too - I agree, it opens a whole new world when someone demos for you - it's one of the best part of workshops, I think!

  3. Wow, your butterscotch wrappers are amazing. How I wish I was in that class learning to lay down the paint without smearing it through. I'll attempt to scoop up some paint today with my flat brush ... something to strive for today.

  4. I like your little candies. Those wrappers must be difficult to paint, but you did a great job. I like your demo, too. I'd like to see you paint! :-)

  5. I too love consuming werthers... You did a fabulous job painting them, and they look so bright and cheering on the blue.
    (Nice red/orange toned demo for your students.)

  6. I like your candy painting and the tomato demo. Color combinations are very nice.

  7. How very realistic, you have great skills, Kelley!

  8. Wonderful Kelley, I just loves those candies too, which even make the painting more scrumptious!

  9. I'm craving a Werther's Kelley, these are great!
    Love seeing what your students are seeing too, thanks!!

  10. wonderful set up and color combination, just right!

  11. Kelley, your painting is beaitiful! I imagine that you are a wonderful teacher for first time students! They are the lucky ones!

  12. Beautiful candies! How in the world did you do that? Looking forward to hearing more about your teaching.

  13. What fun to have new students, your straightforward approach of laying on the paint is something we can all learn from! Thanks, too, for adding my blog to your site.

  14. this is one of my favorite paintings you've ever done!! there so little going on and so much at the same time! masterful! i envy your students!

  15. These gold wrappers positively GLEAM! Incredible!


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